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Talent Management Best Practices

Mitratech Holdings, Inc

How to Conduct a Meaningful Performance Review

Performance reviews can often feel like a necessary evil in the workplace. Managers and employees dread them. They’ve become commonplace for a good reason: when they’re done correctly, they’re effective....more

Mitratech Holdings, Inc

[Event] Interact 2023 - October 2nd - 5th, New Orleans, LA

Interact is BACK and coming to you live this October from the historic French Quarter of New Orleans! Last year’s event may have been named a finalist for Engage Media's 2022 "Best Brand Experience,” but this year, we’re...more

Arnall Golden Gregory LLP

[Webinar] Selfie or Stealthy: The Evolving Legal Risks for Social Media & Influencer Advertising - August 24th, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm...

Please join AGG Food & Drug practice team leader Alan G. Minsk and AGG Brands and Advertising attorneys Anuj Desai and Matthew V. Wilson for a complimentary webinar discussing current legal and regulatory trends for...more

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