REFRESH Nonprofit Basics: Year-End Thoughts and New Year To-Do List
Nonprofit Basics: International Grantmaking Part 3 -Special Rules for Private Foundations
Nonprofit Basics: International Grantmaking – Part 2 Income Tax Withholding Rules
A Q&A With Exempt Organization Lawyer and EO Radio Show Host Cynthia Rowland
Fraud Risks at Nonprofit Organizations - Part 1
Nonprofit Quick Tip: State Filings in Colorado and Wyoming
REFRESH Nonprofit Basics: Navigating the Complex Rules That Describe a Public Charity
REFRESH Nonprofit Basics: Director Duties and Best Practices for the Typical Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation
REFRESH Nonprofit Basics: Designators, Members, Directors, Officers - The Who’s Who of Nonprofit Governance
REFRESH Nonprofit Basics: Overview of Nonprofit Charitable Organization Types: Corporation, LLC, Trust, Association and Fiscal Sponsorship
Expedited Review of IRS Applications for Recognition of Exempt Status
Nonprofit Quick Tip: State Filings in New Mexico and Utah
Back to Compliance: Reinstating Tax-Exempt Status for a Charity
Nonprofit Quick Tip: State Filings in Oklahoma and Texas
Advice for Nonprofit Investment Committees From an Investment Advisor June 3, 2024 Podcast
REFRESH: Loot and Private Foundation Rules – Part 2
REFRESH: Loot and Private Foundation Rules – Part 1
IRS Dirty Dozen Warnings on Charitable Scams
Nonprofit Quick Tip: State Filings in Kentucky and Tennessee
Nonprofit Quick Tip: State Filings in North Carolina and South Carolina
Welcome to EO Radio Show - Your Nonprofit Legal Resource. Episode 90 is a refresh of the third of the original episodes published in the summer of 2022. During these dog days of summer, it's a good time to bring back some of...more
Welcome to EO Radio Show - Your Nonprofit Legal Resource. For the next few weeks, we refresh our earliest episodes on nonprofit basics. During these dog days of summer, it's a good time to bring back some of our early...more
The Handbook for Directors of Nonprofit Corporations in the United States summarizes the duties of directors of nonprofit corporations, provides general background information regarding selected available federal tax...more
Virtual member meetings for New York State not-for-profit and religious corporations, which were originally allowed as an exceptional circumstance, are now permitted permanently. New York had temporarily modified its...more
In our second webinar, we will address: - Virtual board meetings - Satisfying duties of care and supervision in an all-remote environment - Financial reporting to the board - Accessing endowment funds: a map to the...more
In our first webinar, we will address: - Understanding what is possible with nonprofit advocacy - Identifying and avoiding political campaign intervention - Navigating permissible lobbying activities - Protests, civil...more
As 2019 comes to a close, we thought about our customary note to nonprofit officers and directors to take a few moments to confirm that important year-end responsibilities have not been overlooked. But since this year's end...more
DIRECTORS AS VENDORS - A new controversy at a large health system highlights the legal and reputational challenges that can arise when directors sell services to the organizations they serve as fiduciaries. According to...more
The “intermediate sanctions” rules under Section 4958 of the Internal Revenue Code have long governed the payment of compensation to executives of public charities. While these rules are highly prescriptive, if followed, they...more
The Non-Profit Organizations/Public Charities Division of the Office of the Attorney General (the “Division”) recently released helpful guidance regarding (i) good governance of charitable organization and (ii) the rules that...more