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Tax Refunds State and Local Government

Buckingham, Doolittle & Burroughs, LLC

Ohio Commercial Activity Tax: Gross receipts from dialysis services are sitused entirely to the location where the treatment is...

Gross receipts from healthcare services delivered to dialysis patients were properly sourced to Ohio where the treatments were performed. Accordingly, the patients received the benefit of the dialysis services at the...more

Blank Rome LLP

Supreme Court of Ohio Affirms Denial of Healthcare Service Provider’s Commercial Activity Tax Refund Claim

Blank Rome LLP on

The Supreme Court of Ohio upheld the denial of Total Renal Care, Inc.’s (“TRC”) refund claim of Ohio Commercial Activity Tax (“CAT”) that it paid on services that it performed outside of Ohio. Total Renal Care Inc. v. Harris,...more

Baker Donelson

Potential Tax Refunds Resulting from Constitutional Issue with Franchise Tax

Baker Donelson on

Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Revenue (Department), David Gerregano, recently testified before the Revenue Subcommittee of the Senate Finance, Ways and Means Committee, regarding the Department's proposed...more

Freeman Law

Texas Tax Roundup | January 2023

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Hiya, folks and welcome back to a whole new edition (in a whole new year) of the Texas Tax Roundup! January started the year off with a blast! Let’s see what happened!   Sales and Use Tax  Governmental Exemption...more

McDermott Will & Emery

Washington Supreme Court: Tax Refund Actions Must Be Filed in County Where Taxes Were Paid

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The Washington Supreme Court recently held that property tax refund actions must be filed in the superior court of the county where the tax was collected. Hardel Mut. Plywood Corp. v. Lewis Cnty., 515 P.3d 973 (Wash. 2022)....more

Cozen O'Connor

Broad Street Brief: New Bill Targets Removing Lead from School Water

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CITY HALL- New Bill Targets Removing Lead from School Water Councilmember Helen Gym is proposing a bill that would require all Philadelphia public schools to install modern water filters wherever school water can be tapped...more

Cozen O'Connor

Broad Street Brief: Indoor Mask Mandate Ends in Philadelphia

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CITY HALL- Indoor Mask Mandate Ends in Philadelphia Yesterday, the Philadelphia Department of Public Health announced that the indoor mask mandate ended. Two weeks ago, the city established benchmarks that would determine...more

Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt PC

Washington Long-Term Care Insurance Tax

On January 27, 2022, Governor Jay Inslee signed two bills that delay implementation of the Washington Cares Act to July 1, 2023, including the 0.58% payroll tax, and provide additional exemptions from the program. The Act...more

Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP

Gold Dome Report – Legislative Day 2, 2022

Politicians and policy wonks were atwitter about the legislative propositions–and proposed budget outlays–announced by Governor Brian Kemp, Lieutenant Governor Geoff Duncan, and Speaker David Ralston at the Georgia Chamber’s...more

McDermott Will & Emery

Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Approves Sales Tax Apportionment for Software

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On May 21, 2021, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court issued a decision affirming the Massachusetts Tax Appeal Board’s decision in favor of Microsoft and Oracle, ruling that the companies may apportion sales tax to other...more

Franczek P.C.

School Districts File Amicus Curiae Brief in Landmark Federal Property Tax Lawsuit

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Last week, nine Cook County school districts and Calumet City filed an amicus curiae (“friend of the court”) brief in the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals in support of rehearing in the case A.F. Moore & Associates Inc. v....more

Franczek P.C.

Appellate Court Sheds Light on Murky Tax Sale Process Under Property Tax Code

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A large and growing source of property tax refunds in Cook County are generated when a Court reverses or vacates the sale of delinquent taxes.  A recent Appellate Court decision provides a good overview of the tax sale...more

Brooks Pierce

New Year Dawns With Elections And January Legislative Session

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As 2020 begins, activity in Raleigh resumes at a fast pace. Candidate filing for 2020 elections ended in December and Legislators return to Raleigh on Jan. 14. 2020 Elections - This will be a very active election year....more

Bricker Graydon LLP

Hospitals: Annual filing deadline to seek real estate tax exemption is near

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While Ohio law presumes that all real estate is taxable, hospitals can achieve substantial tax savings by seeking exemption from real property taxation for property they own and use to provide health care services pursuant to...more

Brooks Pierce

North Carolina Legislative Update - October 2019

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The impasse between Governor Roy Cooper and the General Assembly over the 2019 budget bill (H966) continued this week, as Legislators considered some additional “mini-budget” bills. The House overrode Governor Cooper’s veto...more

Moore & Van Allen PLLC

MVA Monitor - August 2019 #5

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The budget stand-off continued this week. Legislators rolled out a number of mini-budgets this week, but their futures are uncertain. The General Assembly will take a break next week for the Labor Day holiday, so it will...more

Ballard Spahr LLP

Court Reverses Philadelphia's 2018 Assessment of Many Commercial Real Properties

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In Duffield House LP v. City of Philadelphia–a case involving assessment appeals by approximately 700 owners and lessees of commercial and industrial properties in the City–Philadelphia County Court of Common Pleas Judge Gene...more

Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP

Remember June 30 Deadline for Filing Moody Refund Claims - State & Local Tax Alert: Alabama Edition

As previously reported, during the recent legislative session the Alabama Legislature finally resolved the so-called “Moody Issue,” named after the taxpayer victory in Moody v. Alabama Department of Revenue, regarding the...more

Burr & Forman

South Carolina Tax Litigation Update: First Quarter 2018

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There were several notable state tax opinions issued by the South Carolina Administrative Law Court, Court of Appeals, and Supreme Court in the 1st quarter of 2018. A number of tax cases are also pending before the Court of...more

Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP

Baldwin County Circuit Court Dismisses ADOR’s Appeal in Moody

Two weeks ago, the Baldwin County Circuit Court entered an order dismissing the Alabama Department of Revenue’s (ADOR) appeal from the February 2017 decision by the Alabama Tax Tribunal in Moody v. Alabama Department of...more

Best Best & Krieger LLP

California Supreme Court Allows Class Actions for Local Tax Refunds - Class Actions Allowed Despite Local Ordinances Banning Them

The California Supreme Court recently ruled that local tax refund claims may be pursued as class actions, even where a city has an existing ordinance prohibiting such claims. The ruling is broad enough to expose local...more

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