News & Analysis as of

Texas Insurance Claims Insurance Industry

Farella Braun + Martel LLP

Sometimes, Insurers Want To Settle!

This summary of a recently filed complaint illustrates one of the worst-case scenarios an insured defendant can find itself in: getting slapped with a verdict in excess of your liability insurance limits.  Here, it was an $11...more

Zelle  LLP

The Zelle Lonestar Lowdown Issue 21 - January 2025

Zelle LLP on

Welcome to the first 2025 edition of the Zelle Lonestar Lowdown! Our theme this year is Collaboration. We recognize that we are not an island in this industry and our clients, and ultimately the property owners, best benefit...more

Segal McCambridge

Navigating Pre-Suit Notice and Attorneys’ Fees in Texas Storm Litigation

Segal McCambridge on

Storm-related claims in Texas often lead to disputes over attorneys’ fees, making it critical for insurance carriers to understand and apply statutory pre-suit notice requirements. Failure by claimants to meet these...more

Zelle  LLP

Texas Department of Insurance Approves ZestyAI’s Severe Convective Storm Models

Zelle LLP on

Severe Convective Storms (“SCS”) are one of the most common and most damaging natural catastrophes in the United States. SCSs are intense atmospheric disturbances that can cause powerful winds, large hail, heavy rainfall, and...more

Zelle  LLP

Cade v. State Farm Lloyds — Insured's Failure to Comply with Policy Conditions Bars Personal Property Claims

Zelle LLP on

In PAJ, Inc. v. Hanover Ins. Co., the Texas Supreme Court set forth the “notice-prejudice rule,” which states that unless an insurer was prejudiced by an insured’s delay in giving timely notice of its claim or suit, an...more

Zelle  LLP

Chapter 542 Interest and Tolling During Periods of Delay Caused by the Policyholder

Zelle LLP on

The Texas Prompt Payment of Claims Act (“TPPCA”), codified in Chapter 542 of the Texas Insurance Code, contains deadlines relating to payment of claims. The TPPCA allows for an insured to recover actual damages, penalty...more

Zelle  LLP

Holding an Insured to its Burden to Support its Claim: Texas’ Concurrent Causation Doctrine

Zelle LLP on

For Presentation at the 20th Annual Advanced Insurance Law Course, June 1-2, 2023, Hyatt Regency Hill Country Resort, San Antonio, Texas - No Texas insurance practitioner disputes that an insured may only recover for...more

Butler Snow LLP

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Just Slammed the Door on Texas Businesses Seeking Insurance Coverage for Lost Revenue Due to...

Butler Snow LLP on

In a pair of opinions issued last month, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals held that Texas businesses’ COVID-19 related income loss was not covered by standard business income and extra expense (“BI/EE”) endorsement in...more

Wiley Rein LLP

Texas Federal Court Denies Insurer’s Motion to Dismiss Pending Choice-of-Law Determination

Wiley Rein LLP on

The United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas largely denied an insurer’s motion to dismiss breach of contract and statutory claims against it on the bases that (1) one of the insurer’s arguments for...more

Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP

Texas Winter Storms: Evaluating Business Interruption Claims Following a Large-Scale Disaster

Responding to the Texas Winter Storm Crisis: Issue 2—Winter storms and wide-area events like the one that recently devastated Texas leave behind challenging questions about business interruption insurance coverage. ...more

K&L Gates LLP

Severe Winter Storm In Texas: Insurance Coverage Considerations

K&L Gates LLP on

The winter storm that ravaged Texas this week has caused considerable damage and suffering, and it is predicted by some that it will to lead to the largest number of insurance claims resulting from a single event. For a state...more

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