DOE Guidance and DOJ Statement of Interest — Highway to NIL Podcast
TortsCenter Podcast | Episode 6 | Fielding the Future: Title IX and NIL
Title IX — Highway to NIL Podcast
PODCAST: Williams Mullen's Gavels & Gowns - Title IX Regulations - Changes on the Horizon
NIL Senate Hearing — Highway to NIL Podcast
The Labor Law Insider - Recent U.S. Supreme Court, NLRB Decisions Highlight Labor Issues in Higher Education, Part II
College Esports and Title IX With Jeffrey Levine, Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Sport Business and Program Lead – Esport Business BSBA, Drexel University
College Esports Programs: What You Need To Know
Compliance Perspectives: Changes to Title IX
New Title IX Regulations: A Seismic Shift During a Pandemic (Webinar Recording)
Collegiate Esports 101: Trends & Legal Issues
A Discussion on the Kollaritsch v. Michigan State University Board of Trustees Decision
Investigating Sexual Misconduct in High Education: Potential Pitfalls During Title IX Investigations and How to Avoid Them
Cullen & Dykman Sees Colleges Calling for Title IX Help v
The Integrated and Coordinated Approach to Title IX Compliance
Webinar: Investigating and Resolving Sexual Assaults on Campus
Schools that have been anxiously awaiting the U.S. Department of Education’s final regulations enforcing and interpreting Title IX need wait no longer. The department issued final regulations last week that will govern sex...more
More and more schools are publishing Title IX annual reports (a great idea!), and as I was looking at a bunch of them recently, I saw an outlier that prompted this Tip of the Week....more
Picture this: you receive a complaint from a student who is a member of your school district or institution’s student newspaper alleging Title IX sexual harassment that involves a fellow member of the student newspaper staff....more
It’s an all-too-common scenario these days: Students report sexual misconduct perpetrated against other, often unnamed students. They post anonymously on Instagram. They tape letters to walls or post complaints on bulletin...more
The 2020 Title IX Regulations have created a number of interesting brain teasers for legal experts and industry professionals. Ever since the first “leaked” draft of the proposed regulations in summer/fall 2018, the experts...more
The new Title IX regulations (the “Regulations”) proscribe very specific things that must occur whenever a formal complaint of sexual harassment is filed, whether against another student or a staff member. ...more
Although some suggest that the Title IX rules issued earlier this month are a boon for schools, colleges, and universities, those of us working to help schools comply with the new rules know that they are anything but a...more
On November 29, 2018 the U.S. Department of Education (ED) published in the Federal Register a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) to amend ED's regulations implementing Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title...more