DOE Guidance and DOJ Statement of Interest — Highway to NIL Podcast
TortsCenter Podcast | Episode 6 | Fielding the Future: Title IX and NIL
Title IX — Highway to NIL Podcast
PODCAST: Williams Mullen's Gavels & Gowns - Title IX Regulations - Changes on the Horizon
NIL Senate Hearing — Highway to NIL Podcast
The Labor Law Insider - Recent U.S. Supreme Court, NLRB Decisions Highlight Labor Issues in Higher Education, Part II
College Esports and Title IX With Jeffrey Levine, Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Sport Business and Program Lead – Esport Business BSBA, Drexel University
College Esports Programs: What You Need To Know
Compliance Perspectives: Changes to Title IX
New Title IX Regulations: A Seismic Shift During a Pandemic (Webinar Recording)
Collegiate Esports 101: Trends & Legal Issues
A Discussion on the Kollaritsch v. Michigan State University Board of Trustees Decision
Investigating Sexual Misconduct in High Education: Potential Pitfalls During Title IX Investigations and How to Avoid Them
Cullen & Dykman Sees Colleges Calling for Title IX Help v
The Integrated and Coordinated Approach to Title IX Compliance
Webinar: Investigating and Resolving Sexual Assaults on Campus
Get the latest insights in higher education compliance - Does your role involve: - Conducting Title IX investigations? - Overseeing compliance education and training at an institute of higher learning? - Managing...more
Don’t miss our annual conference devoted to higher education and research compliance - Attend the Higher Education & Healthcare Research Compliance Conference June 10–12, 2024 and hear from experienced professionals on a...more
Get the latest insights in higher education compliance - Does your role involve: - Conducting Title IX investigations? - Overseeing compliance education and training? - Managing your institution’s compliance...more
Hear about the latest in higher education compliance - Do you want to learn… - How to conduct a more effective Title IX investigation? - The impacts of compliance in diversity, equity, and inclusion? - How to...more
Attend SCCE’s annual conference for those who manage compliance at higher education institutions. Learn best practices and strategies, ask questions of the speakers, and share ideas with other attendees. The 2021 virtual...more
The U.S. Department of Education released new regulations this spring under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities receiving...more
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our Higher Education Compliance Conference will be held virtually. Attendees will enjoy Higher Education compliance sessions and industry updates in an interactive, online experience, plus have...more