DOE Guidance and DOJ Statement of Interest — Highway to NIL Podcast
TortsCenter Podcast | Episode 6 | Fielding the Future: Title IX and NIL
Title IX — Highway to NIL Podcast
PODCAST: Williams Mullen's Gavels & Gowns - Title IX Regulations - Changes on the Horizon
NIL Senate Hearing — Highway to NIL Podcast
The Labor Law Insider - Recent U.S. Supreme Court, NLRB Decisions Highlight Labor Issues in Higher Education, Part II
College Esports and Title IX With Jeffrey Levine, Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Sport Business and Program Lead – Esport Business BSBA, Drexel University
College Esports Programs: What You Need To Know
Compliance Perspectives: Changes to Title IX
New Title IX Regulations: A Seismic Shift During a Pandemic (Webinar Recording)
Collegiate Esports 101: Trends & Legal Issues
A Discussion on the Kollaritsch v. Michigan State University Board of Trustees Decision
Investigating Sexual Misconduct in High Education: Potential Pitfalls During Title IX Investigations and How to Avoid Them
Cullen & Dykman Sees Colleges Calling for Title IX Help v
The Integrated and Coordinated Approach to Title IX Compliance
Webinar: Investigating and Resolving Sexual Assaults on Campus
With the August 1, 2024, effective date of the Department of Education’s April Title IX regulations (Final Rule) just weeks away, court action in pending lawsuits challenging the Final Rule across the country continues. The...more
Welcome to the fourth issue of The Academic Advisor for 2024. We begin this edition with discussion of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. On April 19, 2024, the U.S. Department of Education released its...more
Win in Court doesn’t Assure More Pennsylvania School Funding - “Pennsylvania is the latest state where the public school funding system was found to be unconstitutional, but the experience in other states suggests there’s...more
Recently the North Carolina Court of Appeals issued a controversial, but unanimous decision requiring the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ("UNC-CH") to release its students' sexual assault disciplinary records. ...more