News & Analysis as of

Tourism Visas Foreign Nationals

Mayer Brown

Retrospectiva de Global Mobility

Mayer Brown on

BRASIL E CHINA ASSINAM NOVO ACORDO SOBRE VISTOS DE TURISMO E NEGÓCIOS - O Ministro Mauro Vieira e o Ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros da República Popular da China, Wang Yi, assinaram na data de 19 de janeiro de 2024, em...more

Mayer Brown

Global Mobility Retrospective

Mayer Brown on

BRAZIL AND CHINA SIGN TOURISM AND BUSINESS VISA AGREEMENT - On January 19, 2024, an agreement was signed between Brazil and the People’s Republic of China, doubling the maximum length for tourism and business trips on...more


When talking U.S. visas, "B" does not stand for "Birth"

Dentons on

As of January 24, 2020, some pregnant foreign nationals traveling to the United States will have more to overcome than tight seat-belts and inadequate bathrooms. The Department of State has changed the rules for obtaining...more

Morgan Lewis

B-Visa Restrictions on 'Birth Tourism' Take Effect

Morgan Lewis on

A new US Department of State policy that took effect on January 24 makes it more difficult for pregnant women to obtain B nonimmigrant visas to visit the United States if the consular officer has reason to believe that the...more

Fisher Phillips

Déjà Vu All Over Again? Federal Court Blocks Trump’s Second Travel Ban

Fisher Phillips on

In the most stinging legal rebuke yet to President Trump’s efforts to bar certain immigrants from reaching the country’s shores, a federal judge in Hawaii late Wednesday ordered the president’s second travel ban be...more

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