Lead Exposure Claims: Proactive Strategies for Effective Resolution
2BInformed: The Future of Fluoride in Drinking Water, the New TSCA Fees Rule, and the Drinking Water Contaminant Candidate List 5
DynCorp's 'Strategic' Defense In Drug Crop Spraying Suit
On July 24, 2024, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published its Draft Insecticide Strategy to Reduce Exposure of Federally Listed Endangered and Threatened Species and Designated Critical Habitats from the Use of...more
Although this is the OSHA webinar series, in this webinar, we’ll be analyzing the intersection of EPA’s new Toxic Substances Control Act (“TSCA”) chemical exposure limits and OSHA enforcement of workplace chemical exposure....more
What You Need To Know In A Minute Or Less - Based largely on publicly available data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), plaintiffs have been filing an increasing number of personal-injury and class-action...more
As concerns have escalated about vapor intrusion, regulatory agencies are not only taking more conservative approaches to risk – they may also be more likely to take enforcement action where there is delay or non-compliance...more