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Trademark Registration Anti-Competitive

Miller Canfield

Battle of the Oranges: U-Haul vs. Public Storage in a Trademark Showdown Over the Color Orange

Miller Canfield on

To be eligible for trademark registration, a color must have acquired distinctiveness and must not be functional. Recently, the Federal Circuit discussed the importance that a color mark not be functional. ...more

Smart & Biggar

Canada’s Anti-Dilution Remedy is Not Limited to Registered Trademarks: The bunny keeps going… and going… and going

Smart & Biggar on

Section 22 of the Canadian Trademarks Act, depreciation of a registered trademark’s goodwill, is a potentially powerful yet generally under-utilized weapon for dealing with damaging comparative advertising campaigns. In the...more

Hogan Lovells

IPunkt - October 2017

Hogan Lovells on

Kurze Einleitung - Liebe Leserin, lieber Leser, diesen Monat ist es endlich wieder soweit. Der IPunkt kehrt in neuem Gewand zurück. Passend hierzu haben unsere Autoren die neuesten Updates im Bereich des IPMT kurz...more

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