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Trademark Registration Fashion Industry

Seyfarth Shaw LLP

UGG(H), My Business Needs to Change its Name –A Cautionary Tale for International Trademark Strategy

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A longstanding Australian brand, UGG Since 1974, is fighting for the right to use its UGG trademark for footwear in the United States. Deckers Outdoor Corporation, a US-based shoe company, filed a lawsuit against the...more

Sunstein LLP

Tacking in Trademark Law: Even Big Brands Sometimes Miss the Mark

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Trademark law continues to be the cornerstone of brand identity. One concept that introduces a unique set of challenges in trademark law is “tacking.” Tacking is the ability of a trademark owner to modify their mark without...more

Epstein Becker & Green

Battle of the Brands

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Summer 2023 is heating up to be the Summer of Barbie. Last week Mattel filed a Notice of Opposition against Burberry’s proposed “BRBY” trademark with the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board asserting likelihood of confusion with...more

Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP

The Katten Kattwalk | Issue 25

Welcome to the summer issue of Katten KattWalk! We have an issue chock full of developments and pressing issues for fashion and brands. Associate Cynthia Martens starts with a look at “superfakes” and how the rise in...more

Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP

Kattison Avenue | Issue 10

Do You Really Intend to Offer NFTs, Digital Collectibles and Virtual Goods? If Not, No Trademark - The NFT explosion has led to a “gold rush” of thousands of new US trademark applications covering NFT-based digital files,...more

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP

Trademark Rights In The Metaverse: Lessons Gleaned From The Hermes MetaBirkin Case

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Consider this scenario: you worked hard for many years and spent thousands of dollars building your brand. You even took the proper precautions and registered your trademark with the U.S. Trademark Office. Thanks to all that...more


First-of-Its-Kind Lawsuit Pitting Claims of Artistic Expression Involving NFTs Against Trademark Rights Should Have All Mark...

Bodman on

Regardless of whether your business has any current plans to develop digital goods, including “non-fungible tokens” (NFTs), a recent verdict in a first-of-its-kind case involving trademark rights and digital assets should...more

Rothwell, Figg, Ernst & Manbeck, P.C.

Fashion Meets Web3 – Protecting Emerging Phygital Fashion Innovations

Web3, the up-and-coming decentralized iteration of the World Wide Web built on the blockchain, presents a unique opportunity for fashion brands to provide consumers with phygital—physical plus digital—experiences. Creating...more

Akerman LLP - Marks, Works & Secrets

TTAB Sustains WIRED Magazine’s § 2(d) Objection to Application to Register “WIRED” As A Mark for Clothing, But Not for Fitness...

The Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (“TTAB”) sustained the objection of the publisher of the tech magazine WIRED (“Opposer”) to an Applicant’s (“Applicant”) bid to register the term “WIRED” for clothing but rejected its...more

Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP

The Katten Kattwalk | Issue 23

The Katten Kattwalk discusses legal issues in the fashion industry affecting the trademarks, patents and copyrights associated with companies, brands and products. ...more

Knobbe Martens

Suede Timbs on My Feet Make [Nas’s] Cipher Complete, but Timberland’s Section 2(f) Evidence Was Slacking and Acquired...

Knobbe Martens on

The TTAB has affirmed a refusal to register the trade dress configuration mark (see below) of the popular Timberland boot, a wardrobe staple in hip-hop culture (see The World is Yours by Nas), stating the configuration failed...more

Fenwick & West LLP

When Trademarks Get Messi: Likelihood of Confusion and Leo Messi’s Big European Trademark Win

Fenwick & West LLP on

On September 17, 2020, legendary footballer Leo Messi achieved an elusive goal that he had been pursuing for years. No, he did not finally win a World Cup championship for the Albiceleste. Rather, after a nearly decade-long...more

Akerman LLP - Marks, Works & Secrets

Slogans As Marks: When Does a Slogan Function as a Mark

Slogans can, but do not always, function as trademarks. To be sure, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) frequently allows slogans such as JUST DO IT! or QUALITY THROUGH CRAFTSMANSHIP, among many others, to...more

Hogan Lovells

Has Messi opened up a Pandora’s box before the European Courts?

Hogan Lovells on

Messi is victorious not only on the football field, but also before the European Courts: the football player’s reputation creates a conceptual difference between MESSI and MASSI which counteracts the visual and phonetic...more

Knobbe Martens

The Importance of Being First – Fashion and Trademarks for Coronavirus/COVID-19

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About 40 years ago, marketing strategists Al Ries and Jack Trout offered the world a way to think about making a brand memorable. The best way to be remembered is to be first into your prospect’s mind representing a clear...more

Akerman LLP - Marks, Works & Secrets

Unitary Design Mark Rescues a Phrase Which Failed To Function As A Trademark

In a recent decision on remand from the Federal Circuit, the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (“Board”) rejected Petitioner adidas AG’s (“adidas”) claim that Respondent Christian Faith Fellowship Church (“CFFC”) abandoned its...more

Hogan Lovells

Shanghai court innovates with punitive damages for trademark infringement: IP owners can aim higher

Hogan Lovells on

The Shanghai Pudong District Court has recently handed down a remarkable judgment, awarding punitive damages equal to 3 times the proven damages to a foreign sportswear company, and fully upheld the company's claim for RMB 3...more

Knobbe Martens

Where's the Beef? Establishing Fame in Trademark Disputes

Knobbe Martens on

A decision from the Federal Circuit clarified how the USPTO should analyze evidence of fame under the fifth DuPont factor. The decision sheds light on how fashion brands can establish that their marks are famous through...more

Ballard Spahr LLP

What’s "Kicking" at the ITC – the All Star Sneaker Battle

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One of the biggest trademark cases in 2018 addressed the issue of secondary meaning in product design—specifically, Converse’s rights in its signature Chuck Taylor® All Star® shoe. In Converse v. ITC, the Federal Circuit...more

Ladas & Parry LLP

The Court Of Justice Of The European Union (CJEU) Rules That A Trademark For A Decorative Fabric Is Registrable And Enforceable

Ladas & Parry LLP on

In Textilis v. Svenkst Tenn AB, the European Court of Justice (CJEU) held that the 2015 amendments to the trademark regulation (Article 7(1)(e)(iii) of Regulation No 207/2009), which limited the right for trademark protection...more

Knobbe Martens

Divide and Conquer: How Louis Vuitton's Brand Protection Strategy Might Increase the Opportunities for Brand Owners to Combat...

Knobbe Martens on

On November 7, 2018 Louis Vuitton Malletier, S.A. filed a complaint in the Southern District of New York against i-Fe Apparel, Inc., Yongun Jung, and a number of presently unknown entities and individuals (“Defendants”)....more

Knobbe Martens

The Crown Jewels: How to Protect Your Jewelry Designs

Knobbe Martens on

Knock-offs and ‘copycat’ designs are nothing new to the fashion world. The rising demand for “fast fashion” and bargain hunting alike make knock-offs particularly attractive to the consumer’s insatiable appetite. This trend...more

Akerman LLP - Marks, Works & Secrets

Disparaging, Immoral and Scandalous Trademarks in the Supreme Court: Beyond Tam to Brunetti

This blog has followed the evolving judicial views concerning disparaging trademarks, culminating in the Supreme Court’s decision in in Matal v. Tam, 137 S. Ct. 1744 (June 19, 2017)....more

Ladas & Parry LLP

SCOTUS Decides To Hear Iancu v. Brunetti Regarding ‘offensive’ Word As A Trademark

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The U.S. Supreme Court decided last week to hear the case of Iancu v. Brunetti regarding the possibility that the Lanham Act violates a fashion designer’s freedom of speech...more

Hogan Lovells

Federal Circuit revives Converse’s Chuck Taylor trademark and infringement claims

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In a recent decision that illustrates the relevance of timing in evaluating the question of secondary meaning, the Court of Appeals of the Federal Circuit breathed new life into Converse’s “Chuck Taylor” sneaker design...more

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