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Trademark Registration Inherently Distinctive Appeals

McDermott Will & Emery

Beach Buggy Battle: Stipulation Insufficient to Establish Trademark Distinctiveness

McDermott Will & Emery on

The US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit found that a district court does not need to accept both parties’ stipulation that a mark is distinctive but instead is permitted to make an evidentiary inquiry in determining...more

Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox P.L.L.C.

MarkIt to Market® - April 2020: Color Marks for Product Packaging CAN Be Inherently Distinctive - What This Means for Your Brand...

Earlier this month, the Federal Circuit issued a precedential ruling on the question of whether a color mark for product packaging can ever be inherently distinctive, holding that the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB)...more

Dorsey & Whitney LLP

Are Color Trademarks on Product Packaging Inherently Distinctive?

Dorsey & Whitney LLP on

On April 8, 2020, the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit issued a decision on an appeal from the refusal of registration of a color trademark by the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. In this case, the applicant, Forney...more

Smart & Biggar

Year-end Round-up: Notable Trademark Case Law From 2018

Smart & Biggar on

There were many interesting trademark cases coming out of 2018, a few of which are discussed below. The scope of Canada’s anti-dilution remedy (section 22 of the Trademarks Act) is not limited to a defendant’s use of a...more

Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox P.L.L.C.

MarkIt to Market® - September 2018: When the Other Shoe Drops – Keep Calm and (Trade) Dress Up

Design patents are often the go-to option for protecting the visual features, or design, of a product. But design patent protection is not always available, such as after the product has been on sale, offered for sale, or...more

Ladas & Parry LLP

European Community Trademark registration for patterns and three-dimensional marks requires Acquired Distinctiveness in Each...

Ladas & Parry LLP on

Owners of pattern and three-dimensional marks should take note of the substantial burden of proving acquired distinctiveness of their marks through use throughout the European Union. On April 21, 2015, Louis Vuitton’s...more

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