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Trademark Registration Logos Trademark Application

Venable LLP

Protect Your Nonprofit's Mission with Smart Trademark Strategies

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Your nonprofit's name, logo, and slogans are more than just branding—they're valuable assets that should be protected and strengthened. Taking the right trademark steps can prevent legal issues, maintain your brand's...more

Baker Donelson

Baker's Trademark Developments of 2024

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2024 has been a busy year in all intellectual property. It has been especially busy in trademark law. Here are the top seven cases in trademark law to date....more

Butler Snow LLP

New Utah NHL Team Takes Shot-Pass With Nine Intent-to-Use Trademark Applications

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Though the NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs are in full swing, a lot of off-ice activity is happening as a result of the sale of the Arizona Coyotes to Utah Jazz owners Ryan and Ashley Smith’s Smith Entertainment Group. Most hockey...more

Dechert LLP

Drawing the Line: Insights on the limits of stylised descriptive trade marks in the UK

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The VIA Art Fund opposition and appeal decisions provide an important reminder for those seeking to enforce registered trade mark rights in the UK. While incorporating a figurative element to a descriptive mark can enhance...more

Tucker Arensberg, P.C.

Should I get a Trademark for my Brand or Business?

A trademark can be any word, phrase, symbol, design, or a combination of these features that helps differentiate your goods or services from others. Businesses should consider seeking trademark registrations to protect their...more

Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP

Four Costly Trademark Horror Stories and How to Avoid Them

Since Halloween candy is already in stores (why…?), we‘re here to tell you some trademark tales that are sure to make you shiver – if you care about your pocketbook, that is.  We’ve encountered these spooky situations – with...more

Kohrman Jackson & Krantz LLP

The Ohio State University Wins the War

By now, news has broken about The Ohio State University and its official registration of a trademark for the word “THE”. This comes after a nearly three-year battle to clinch legal branding access to a word that’s deeply...more

K&L Gates LLP

A Right Royal Rejection: “Royal Butler” Trade Mark Application Denied in the UK

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HRH Prince Charles’ former butler has had his application to register a “Royal Butler” logo as a UK trade mark denied by the UK Intellectual Property Office following a successful opposition by Lord Chamberlain, on behalf of...more

Foley Hoag LLP - Making Your Mark

In Defense of Ohio State's Application to Register THE as a Trademark

The picture you see is of a shirt from my husband’s closet – a gift I gave him a few years ago. He is a big Ohio State Buckeyes fan, and this is sort of an inside joke for OSU football fans. The word THE superimposed on the...more

Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP

Refresh Your Logo While Keeping Your Old U.S. Trademark Registration

We are tickled pink when we get to work with trademark registrations that issued before we were born. (We won’t say when that was.) It’s nifty to be the steward of a trademark that has stood the test of time and that may...more

Ward and Smith, P.A.

Trademarks and Community Associations: Maintaining Your Community's Brand

Ward and Smith, P.A. on

Your community association ("Association") probably invests substantial resources in protecting and maintaining its green spaces, facilities, and other common elements. But what about its good name? If your community is of...more

Akerman LLP - Marks, Works & Secrets

The New Jersey Turnpike Authority Pays a Big Toll for Pizza

The New Jersey Turnpike Authority (“NJTA”) was forced to pay a big toll when the United States Patent and Trademark Office, Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (the “Board”), dismissed its opposition to a pizza restaurant’s...more

Akerman LLP - Marks, Works & Secrets

TTAB Guidance on Disclaimers and Acquired Distinctiveness: “Furniture Warehouse” Must Be Disclaimed, But “American” Need Not

In a precedential decision, the United States Patent and Trademark Office, Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (“TTAB” or the “Board”) affirmed a refusal to register the logo...more

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