News & Analysis as of

Trademarks Cannabis Products Trademark Registration

A Trademark is a legally registered distinctive mark or sign which identifies goods, products or services that originate or are associated with a particular person or enterprise . A typical example of a trademark... more +
A Trademark is a legally registered distinctive mark or sign which identifies goods, products or services that originate or are associated with a particular person or enterprise . A typical example of a trademark would be a company's logo such as the Nike "Check" or McDonald's "Golden Arches."  less -
Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP

Cannabis & Trademarks: Protecting Your Stash

Trademark law protects businesses’ brand identities and helps prevent consumer confusion. The U.S. trademark system operates at both federal and state levels. Federal registration through the United States Patent and...more

Seyfarth Shaw LLP

Café con Cannabis – California’s Cannabis Café Law and Trademark Considerations

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Recent legislative changes in California have opened up exciting opportunities for cannabis lounges and retailers. With a new law allowing on-premise consumption areas, the sale of food and drinks, and the hosting of live...more

Foley Hoag LLP - Cannabis and the Law

The Hazy Landscape of Trademark Protection for Cannabis Products in the U.S.

Navigating the cannabis industry’s legal landscape in the United States is like moving through an ever-evolving maze, especially in the world of intellectual property. As more states legalize cannabis for medical and...more

Dorsey & Whitney LLP

The Ninth Circuit Addresses Judicial Power over Trademark Applications and the Lawful Use of Trademarks on Cannabis (I Mean,...

Dorsey & Whitney LLP on

The Ninth Circuit issued two opinions in BBK Tobacco & Foods LLP v. Central Coast Agriculture, Inc. finding judicial power over pending trademark applications and an exception shielding trademark registrations for marks used...more

Seyfarth Shaw LLP

Whoa! Cannabis Company Lawsuit Lights Up the Benefits of Creative IP Protection

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Federal trademark registration is typically unavailable for goods and services related to the sale of cannabis. But a combination of federal copyright registration and state trademark registration for these goods and...more

McGlinchey Stafford

2024 Cannabis Trademarks and Branding

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Based on recent events, it seems likely marijuana will be rescheduled under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) sometime this year. While many industry experts have discussed the impacts in recent months, many questions still...more

Seyfarth Shaw LLP

4:20 Unfriendly – TTAB Says 4:20 is Deceptively Misdescriptive of Goods Not Used with Cannabis

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Republic Technologies (NA) LLC (“Republic”) filed an application to register the proposed mark 4:20 with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”).  Republic amended its goods twice during prosecution of the...more

Seyfarth Shaw LLP

What’s the Delta?  How Delta-8 Can Provide Trademark Rights for Hemp and Marijuana

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A Texas appellate court recently upheld a decision to prevent a ban on the sale of delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) products in the state.  Tex. Dep’t of State Health Servs. v. Sky Mktg. Corp., No. 03-21-00571-CV, 2023 BL...more

Troutman Pepper Locke

High Stakes: Eight Tips (and One Bonus) for Cannabis Professionals on the Budding World of Trademarks

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Apologies for the cannabis puns in the title, but they are required by law. Okay, you are correct. That is not true. But it is true that trademark protection is important for individuals in the cannabis industry. Earlier this...more

Fox Rothschild LLP

Primer on Cannabis Trademark Law and How Rescheduling Could Change the State of the Law

Fox Rothschild LLP on

With more individuals and businesses entering the cannabis sector, there has been an increased interest in what kind of trademark protections a cannabis business can obtain. This article seeks to briefly cover what in the...more

Dickinson Wright

How To Protect Your Cannabis Trademarks in a Legal Landscape That Is Half-Baked

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In our previous post, we discussed how a cannabis business can take steps to avoid potential trademark infringement claims. In this release, we will discuss how a cannabis business can use trademarks for brand protection –...more

Seyfarth Shaw LLP

Blunders That Made ‘Bakked’ Cannabis TM Go Up In Smoke

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A recent lawsuit alleging trademark infringement by AmerikanWeed illustrates the importance of protecting intellectual property in the cannabis industry. Complaint at 9-10, Palmer, et al. v. Komm et al., No. 21-2-13589-3 SEA...more

Seyfarth Shaw LLP

Indica and IP – A Series on the Intersection of Cannabis and Intellectual Property

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Recently, we published an article regarding the increasing viability of cannabis related patents. See here. Sadly, the story is the opposite for federal trademarks. Last month, National Concessions Group, Inc. (“NCG”) was...more

Weintraub Tobin

The Briefing by the IP Law Blog – No Beating Around the Bush: TTAB Upholds Anti-Pot Policy

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The Trademark Trial and Appeals Board denied an application to register a trademark for essential oil dispensers meant to fill smoking devices with cannabis-based oils. Scott Hervey and Tara Sattler talk about this case on...more

McDermott Will & Emery

Weeded Out: Drug Paraphernalia Mark Described as “Essential Oil Dispenser” Refused Registration

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Addressing the registrability of marks for cannabis-related products, the Trademark Trial & Appeal Board upheld an Examiner’s refusal to register marks for an “essential oil dispenser” based on extrinsic evidence that the...more

Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP

Up In Smoke: USPTO Leaves Cannabis-Related Trademark Application in Ashes

After years of uncertainty, the USPTO has finally provided insight on how it views applications for cannabis-related marks, suggesting that the use of such marks will be heavily scrutinized.    In 2016, National Concession...more

Seyfarth Shaw LLP

The Blooming Field of IP at the New England Cannabis Convention in Boston

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Federal bans, lack of knowledge, and misinformation all stifle IP protection in the cannabis industry. Previously, one of our colleagues attended MJBizCon in Nevada and noted that “there is so much more to be done to bring...more

Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox P.L.L.C.

MarkIt to Market® - January 2023

Thank you for reading the January 2023 issue of Sterne Kessler's MarkIt to Market® newsletter. This month, we discuss an ongoing trademark dispute between the band OK Go and cereal company Post, how to stay vigilant about...more

Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox P.L.L.C.

MarkIt to Market® - November 2022: Priority Pitfalls

The Trademark Trial and Appeal Board’s recently issued precedential decision dismissing an opposition alleging a likelihood of confusion between the registered mark SMOK and a pending application for the mark SMOKES and...more

Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox P.L.L.C.

MarkIt to Market® - November 2022

Thank you for reading the November 2022 issue of Sterne Kessler's MarkIt to Market® newsletter. This month, we address a precedential TTAB decision that presents interesting priority issues relating in particular to the...more

Seyfarth Shaw LLP

Intellectual Property and Cannabis – Where do we Stand?

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The state of intellectual property is in flux within the cannabis industry. On the eve of MJBizCon, below is a brief inventory of where the law stands on cannabis-related issues for branding and technology....more

Miller Nash LLP

The Struggle is Real: Federal Trademark Registration for Cannabis and Hemp-Derived Food and Beverages Remains Illusive

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Although commercial use of a trademark alone triggers rights in a mark, wise business owners endeavor to take advantage of the added benefits and protections conveyed by federal registration. One of the most important...more

Ward and Smith, P.A.

It's About Time: Federal Court Addresses Delta-8

Ward and Smith, P.A. on

Delta 8 tetrahydrocannabinol ("THC"), an intoxicating form of THC often derived from hemp-derived cannabidiol (aka "CBD"), has been at the center of numerous hot button issues since its arrival in the broader hemp product...more

Miller Nash LLP

The Ninth Circuit Leaves Open the Delta-8 THC Legal Loophole in an Intellectual Property Dispute

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In the first federal appellate ruling on delta-8 THC, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals deemed the substance legal—at least for purposes of trademark protection—concluding that if “Congress inadvertently created a loophole...more

Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox P.L.L.C.

MarkIt to Market® - May 2022

Thank you for reading the May 2022 issue of Sterne Kessler's MarkIt to Market® newsletter. This month, we discuss Spotify's exploration into NFTs, two new USPTO policies with practical implications for trademark applicants...more

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