If you have a claim for a car accident in Florida, video footage of the accident could be the clearest evidence of your right to just compensation. Traffic accidents are increasingly being caught on video—with state and local...more
You've probably noticed an increase in traffic cameras popping up in cities all over the U.S. But what exactly are they for? Do traffic cameras record 24/7? How long is traffic camera footage kept, and who is in charge of the...more
...On August 6, 2019, Governor Cuomo signed into law a bill designed to catch motorists illegally passing stopped school buses. How does the program work? The Education Law has been amended to allow a school board of...more
Governor Cuomo signed into law on August 6, 2019 legislation that amends the school board powers and duties sections of the education law, effective September 5, 2019, to authorize a school district board of education in its...more