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Transportation Industry Automation Systems Innovative Technology

Nossaman LLP

USDOT’s Recent Announcement on Connected Vehicles to Increase Roadway Safety

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Imagine you are sitting in your car at a traffic signal.  The signal turns green and you begin to accelerate. Without you doing anything, your car suddenly screeches to a halt as another car runs a red light and whizzes past....more

Searcy Denney Scarola Barnhart & Shipley

Driverless Cars: What are the Pros and Cons?

On streets throughout the country, driverless cars are operating in tests on a regular basis, although these cars currently have human drivers standing by to take over if necessary. Industry predictions vary about when we...more

Dickinson Wright

Plugged In: An EV Newsletter Vol. 2, No. 7

Dickinson Wright on

Editor’s Note - Welcome to our September, 2024 edition of Plugged In, DW's monthly newsletter addressing the industry's transformative transition to EVs. Over the next few months, Plugged In will turn its focus to the...more

Pillsbury - Gravel2Gavel Construction & Real...

Balancing Cybersecurity Threats in Smart Cities: Is the Potential Convenience of “Smart” Intersections Worth the Risk?

The term “smart cities” has become popular parlance for municipalities’ attempts to enhance delivery of urban services and infrastructure through information and communications technology. While they may conjure images of...more

Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP

Autonomous Systems & Advanced Mobility: 2023 Trends & Predictions

The Autonomous Systems & Advanced Mobility (ASAM) space is headed for more change in 2023, generating new opportunities and challenges for a growing list of industry players. The adoption of new, complex and connected...more

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