Project Catalyst: An Economic Development Podcast | Episode 11: The EV Industry in Alabama with Mike Oatridge of Alabama Mobility and Power Center
Business Better Podcast Episode: The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act – Insights Three Years Later
Project Catalyst: An Economic Development Podcast | Episode 9: The Role of Railways in Economic Development with Brian Gwin of Norfolk Southern
The Chartwell Chronicles: Trucking
Private-Public Investment in Infrastructure: Community Improvement in the Atlanta Area With Kim Menefee — TAG Infrastructure Talks Podcast
Remaining Innovative in the Battery Storage Space With Electrovaya CEO Dr. Raj Dasgupta - Battery + Storage Podcast
Five Questions, Five Answers: Electric Mobility Canada on Its Promises for a Cleaner Economy
Five Questions, Five Answers: Washington Invests $17 Million for Electric Mobility- How the USMCA Plays a Role
Propel: Gearing up with Embark to transform the USD700 billion trucking industry
Construction Webinar Series: The Infrastructure Bill’s Impact on DOT’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program
How the $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Plan Affects Texas
DOT’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program: What Large and Small Construction Contractors Need to Know
On-Demand Webinar | Linear Infrastructure Redux: Adapting Your Projects to Meet the New Regulatory Climate
Propel: "Secure first, then ride." V2X technology and enhancing the safety of self-driving vehicles
Propel: Under the hood with Uber
How to prepare for a merger and acquisition in logistics and transportation
Nota Bene Episode 101: Catching up with Global Climate Regulation with Nico van Aelstyn
Butler's Thursday Tips | Little Black Box
Transit-Oriented Development in the 305
Rapid Transit Zones in Miami-Dade County
P3s are in a constant state of flux as project owners and participants continue to innovate, striking upon new ways to bring much-needed infrastructure online. In this, our seventh annual report covering public-private...more
Outlook for This Week in the Nation’s Capital - Congress. Both the House and Senate are in session this week. The Senate has several lingering priorities in addition to confirmation votes, including a promised vote on...more
Update: President Biden signed The American Rescue Plan Act on March 11, 2021- On Wednesday afternoon, Congress passed The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, a broad, comprehensive policy response to the challenges brought...more
Almost one year after the enactment of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”), and with the second extension of pandemic unemployment assistance about to expire for millions of workers on March...more
The U.S. House of Representatives on March 10, 2021, passed the Senate-amended H.R. 1319, the American Rescue Plan (ARP). The ARP provides $1.9 trillion in additional relief to respond to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19)....more
Just before midnight on December 21, 2020, Congress passed the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 (the “Act”), a nearly 5,500 page stimulus bill allocating roughly $900 billon of much needed relief to United States...more