News & Analysis as of

Transportation Industry Independent Contractors Trucking Industry


Independent Contractor Owner-Operators and the Second Trump Administration: Motor Carrier Expectations for the Road Ahead

Benesch on

The role of independent contractor owner-operators (“ICOOs”) in the trucking industry has a long history as a business model and also as a lightning rod for scrutiny. ...more

Goldberg Segalla

Rise of Transportation Contractors Leading to Complex Coverage Litigation

Goldberg Segalla on

The post-Covid influence over the “gig economy” has led to an expansion of self-employed or by-the-job employed individuals in the delivery and transportation industry. CDL jobs have proven they are not immune to this...more


A Broker Nuclear Verdict Reversal! (And a Very Good Year [In the Courts] for Brokers)

Benesch on

Suffice it to say that the past year has been a very good year for brokers; in the courts, that is! While there have been several very favorable preemption decisions across the country, the preemption doctrine is not...more


Time to Adapt: U.S. Supreme Court Declines Review of California Assembly Bill No 5

Benesch on

Unfortunately, today, June 30, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court delivered a deeply disappointing loss to the transportation industry and supply chain interests throughout the country by declining to review the California Trucking...more


In Anticipation of Preemption: The U.S. Supreme Court Speaks (Sort Of...)

Benesch on

The transportation and logistics industry has been widely anticipating a decision from the U.S. Supreme Court as to whether or not it will accept for review two very significant cases involving the scope of the Federal...more

Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics...

Keeping food deliveries safe

Report on Supply Chain Compliance 3, no. 10 (May 14, 2020) -... So much of the U.S. shelters in place to help slow the spread of COVID-19, more consumers are using delivery services to get grocery and restaurant...more


InterConnect FLASH! No. 79 - Mr. AB-5 Goes to Washington - And Brings A Lot of Baggage! (The Assault on the IC Citadel Continues)

Benesch on

Introduction: The PRO Act Overall - Early last week, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the “Protecting the Right to Organize Act,” H.R.2474 (“PRO Act”), which would fundamentally shift various important...more


InterConnect FLASH! No 77: California AB5 Litigation Update - The TRO is Extended

Benesch on

Yesterday, on January 13, 2020, Judge Benitez of the United States District Court for the Southern District of California extended the temporary restraining order previously entered in the litigation brought by the California...more

Epstein Becker & Green

Federal Court Issues Eleventh-Hour TRO to Enjoin Enforcement of California’s Controversial New Independent Contractor Law for...

On January 1, 2020, California’s new independent contractor statute, known as AB 5, went into effect.  The law codifies the use of an “ABC” test to determine if an individual may be classified as an independent contractor....more


InterConnect FLASH! No 76 - Federal Court Temporarily Enjoins Enforcement of AB5 Against California Motor Carriers

Benesch on

Champagne bottles popped earlier than expected on New Year’s Eve when Judge Roger T. Benitez of the United States District Court for the Southern District of California granted a temporary restraining order prohibiting the...more


InterConnect FLASH! No 74 - Transportation Worker Arbitration: It May Not Be Bullet-Proof, But It’s Like Chicken Soup (can’t hurt;...

Benesch on

Since then, many in the trucking industry have been considering and evaluating alternative ways to maintain a mechanism of dispute resolution through arbitration on an individual basis so as to avoid class actions, collective...more

Fisher Phillips

Am I My Brother’s Keeper? New California Law Says If You Do Business With a Port Trucking Company Then, “Yes You Are!”

Fisher Phillips on

On September 22, Governor Brown signed SB 1402, a bill that establishes joint and several liability for customers who contract with or use port drayage motor carriers who have unpaid wage, tax and workers’ compensation...more

Fisher Phillips

Contractor Apocalypse: California Supreme Court Adopts Broad New Misclassification Test

Fisher Phillips on

In a groundbreaking decision, the California Supreme Court adopted a new legal standard yesterday that will make it much more difficult for businesses to classify workers as independent contractors, drastically changing the...more

Holland & Knight LLP

Transportation Developments in Year 1 of the Trump Administration - President Touts New $1.5 Trillion Infrastructure Plan; A...

Holland & Knight LLP on

In January 2017, Holland & Knight Transportation & Infrastructure lawyers and senior advisors prepared 20 posts for the 20 days leading to President Donald Trump's inauguration regarding what to expect from the Trump...more

Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart,...

First Circuit Applies FAA Transportation Worker Exception to Independent Contractors

The First Circuit Court of Appeals, in a case of first impression, recently issued an important ruling that will have a major impact on transportation companies using arbitration agreements in the states and territories...more

Holland & Knight LLP

Will Trump Administration Curb the Recent Targeting of Independent Contractors?

Holland & Knight LLP on

A critical but unresolved issue for the motor carrier industry is the continuing viability of the independent contractor truck driver model, which is under siege by state and federal regulatory agencies as well as private...more

Troutman Pepper Locke

August 2016 Independent Contractor Misclassification and Compliance News Update

Troutman Pepper Locke on

This month’s news update includes three initiatives by the U.S. Department of Labor to combat IC misclassification. The first was the issuance of a new page on the DOL website called “Misclassification Mythbusters.” We...more

17 Results
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