News & Analysis as of

Transportation Industry Motor Vehicles Insurance Industry

Morris, Manning & Martin, LLP

Georgia Senate Passes Bill That Would End Direct Action Suits Against Truck Insurers

Senate Bill 426 would bar a plaintiff injured by a motor carrier from suing the motor carrier’s insurer directly unless (1) the plaintiff cannot serve the driver or trucking company or (2) the trucking company defendant is...more

Butler Weihmuller Katz Craig LLP

Butler's Thursday Tips | Little Black Box

In this week's Thursday Tip, attorney Paula Solano discusses the use of ECMs in Third-Party vehicle claims. #ButlerLegal #Law #VehicleAccidents #BlackBox ...more

Pillsbury - Policyholder Pulse blog

Bad Facts (Sometimes) Make Good Law – The Worst Texting and Driving Incident Still Does Not Defeat Coverage under NY Law

Insurance agreement language that precludes coverage in CGL policies for “expected or intended” injuries has been analyzed in nearly every jurisdiction, and courts have consistently held that bodily injury or property damage...more

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