News & Analysis as of

Transportation Industry Wage and Hour Employee Benefits

Foster Swift Collins & Smith

[Webinar] 2024 Labor & Employment Law Virtual Update - September 18th, 8:30 am - 11:00 am ET

It has been a particularly busy year on the labor and employment law front. To learn more about the major challenges employers face and developments your organization needs to address before year's end, we encourage you to...more

Fisher Phillips

Transportation Snapshot Takes Deeper Dive into Industry Attitudes Related to Economic Uncertainty

Fisher Phillips on

The news that the economy has shrunk for a second straight quarter seems not to be affecting most businesses in the transportation sector. In fact, the results of our FP Flash Survey on Economic Uncertainty revealed that...more

Fisher Phillips

California Voters May Get Chance To Overturn ABC Test For Gig Drivers

Fisher Phillips on

When California’s AB 5 was signed into law last month, a chorus of voices decried the fact that it could radically change the gig economy as we know it. Many contended that the average app-based driver enjoyed being an...more

Bowditch & Dewey

Worker Classification in Massachusetts: Uber Drives Attention to Employees vs. Contractors

Bowditch & Dewey on

Uber Technologies, Inc. continues to fight claims all over the world that it should treat drivers it matches with passengers as employees rather than independent contractors. Since the business of on-demand employment is...more


2017 Labor & Employment Laws: New Year, New Government, New Challenges

Littler on

On January 1, 2017, employers across the nation will face a host of new or amended federal, state, and/or local labor and employment requirements. At the same time, there is uncertainty as to how the Trump Administration and...more


What A Trump Card Means In The Game of Construction and Development

Buchalter on

Like many of you, I stayed up late on Tuesday night / Wednesday morning to watch the 2016 election returns. I dragged myself into the office after only a few hours of sleep and my phone was immediately ringing. Some clients....more

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