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Transportation Industry Wage and Hour Employment Discrimination

Foster Swift Collins & Smith

[Webinar] 2024 Labor & Employment Law Virtual Update - September 18th, 8:30 am - 11:00 am ET

It has been a particularly busy year on the labor and employment law front. To learn more about the major challenges employers face and developments your organization needs to address before year's end, we encourage you to...more


2017 Labor & Employment Laws: New Year, New Government, New Challenges

Littler on

On January 1, 2017, employers across the nation will face a host of new or amended federal, state, and/or local labor and employment requirements. At the same time, there is uncertainty as to how the Trump Administration and...more

Seyfarth Shaw LLP

2016 California Labor and Employment Legislation Update: It’s Final!

Seyfarth Shaw LLP on

Seyfarth Synopsis: Employers in California: be aware and prepare for new laws increasing minimum wages and mandating overtime pay for agricultural employees; expanding the California Fair Pay Act to race and ethnicity and to...more

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