News & Analysis as of

Trump Administration Foreign Corporations Internal Revenue Service

Miller Canfield

Trump Administration Opens the Door to Double-Tax-Rate Penalty on Foreign Companies and Individuals

Miller Canfield on

As part of its “America First Trade Policy,” the White House is exploring an arcane IRS provision that allows the United States to double the tax rates of foreign companies and individuals....more


Treasury Strips Away Obama Administration Earnings Stripping Rules

Lowndes on

In 2016, the Obama administration issued a series of rules and regulations designed to stem the flow of corporate inversions – transactions where U.S. corporations moved offshore to avoid the high 35% U.S. corporate tax rate....more

Holland & Knight LLP

Main Effects of U.S. Tax Reform on Foreign Taxpayers

Holland & Knight LLP on

President Donald Trump signed the U.S. tax reform bill previously entitled the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act into law on December 22, 2017, enacting comprehensive U.S. tax reform with most provisions becoming effective starting on...more


Good News for Taxpayers: IRS Targets for Reform Burdensome Regulations on Partnerships, Corporations, REITs, Estates, and More

Lowndes on

Earlier this year, President Trump issued Executive Order 13789, which ordered the Treasury Department to review all significant tax regulations issued after December 31, 2015 and identify regulations that impose an undue...more


IRS Identifies 8 Burdensome Regulations for Reform

Lowndes on

Responding to a Trump Executive Order, the Treasury Department has reviewed all significant tax regulations issued after December 31, 2015 and identified eight regulations to be reformed to mitigate the burden that the...more

Holland & Knight LLP

Treasury Dept. Identifies 8 "Significant Tax Regulations" for Review to Reduce Burden

Holland & Knight LLP on

The U.S. Department of the Treasury announced on July 7, 2017, in Notice 2017-38 (the Notice) that it has identified as "significant tax regulations" eight sets of U.S. federal tax regulations that were issued between Jan. 1,...more

Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP

2016 Year-End Estate Planning Advisory

In 2016, we continued to experience a period of relative stability in our federal transfer tax system and have been able to plan without expecting imminent significant changes to the system. Under the American Taxpayer Relief...more

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