John Wick - What You Need To Know about the Corporate Transparency Act
Once Removed Episode 24: Expressing Goals and Intent for the Trust
Once Removed Episode 22: Building Flexibility into the Estate Plan
Once Removed Episode 20: Helping a Beneficiary Purchase a Home
Once Removed Episode 19: The Step-Transaction Doctrine and the Case of Smaldino
Next Generation Legacy Management - The Essence of Developing, Managing and Implementing a Plan for Future Generations
A Primer On Trusts - A Podcast with Janathan Allen
Once Removed Episode 13: It’s 5 o’Clock: Do You Know Where Your Will Is? A Lesson From Aretha Franklin
Charitable Bequests With Guest Stephanie Hood
Once Removed Episode 12: SLATs and the Case of McKim vs. McKim
Once Removed Episode 11: Spousal Lifetime Access Trusts, or SLATs
Digital Planning Podcast Episode: Family Office Technology Solutions
Digital Planning Podcast Episode: The Uniform Electronic Estate Planning Documents Act
What is a self-proving affidavit?
The Importance of Beneficiary Designations
Basics of Estate Planning
The Case of the Disappearing Trust
Protecting Your Estate Plan from Challenges: No-Contest Clause Explained
The Secret Child
Welcome to 'Splitting Heirs'
Jurisdiction clauses in trust deeds are critical in determining the forum for resolving disputes. These clauses can be either exclusive, conferring jurisdiction to a specific court, or non-exclusive, allowing for flexibility...more
In Hong Kong, our most popular thought leadership provided clients with vital information on Cayman Islands investment funds, accompanying questions of corporate governance, and the key advantages of Cayman companies for...more
In Bermuda, our most popular posts and publications provided updates from our Corporate practice, particularly regulatory changes and insurance insights, along with reflections on private client matters and litigation....more
There are a variety of information gathering and other compulsory notices available to regulatory and enforcement agencies based in the Cayman Islands, as tools these agencies can draw on to carry out their functions. In this...more
Despite best intentions, it is impossible to entirely negate the risk of conflict arising from a family trust. By their nature, trusts tend to span several decades and "futureproofing" them against societal changes,...more
Without advance planning the task of determining an individual’s final wishes and administering a deceased’s estate can be time-consuming and expensive. Set out below is a summary of the various ways in which an individual...more
A foundation company is a vehicle unique to the Cayman Islands. It has features akin to a company, retaining separate legal personality and limited liability, whilst functioning in a manner similar to a civil law foundation...more
The Cayman Islands is one of the leading jurisdictions for the establishment and management of trusts. It has a sophisticated professional trust sector, modern trusts legislation and an effective judicial system. There is a...more
It has been said that we are in the middle of a multi-trillion dollar transition of family wealth between generations. In order to facilitate that transition, careful planning and management of family wealth and assets need...more
The Perpetuities (Amendment) Act, 2024 (the “Act”) has taken effect in the Cayman Islands, providing for the disapplication of the rule against perpetuities for Cayman Islands ordinary trusts. This legislative development...more
The RSOG builds upon and clarifies existing market conduct standards for TCSPs and Company Managers where the underlying requirements are generally the same but with some differences. The RSOG implements market conduct...more
The Cayman Islands is in the process of implementing fundamental changes to its beneficial ownership regime. Most significantly, these include the removal of exemptions applicable under the previous regime, as well as more...more
Previously, ordinary trusts established under Cayman Islands law were subject to the rule against perpetuities. This means such trusts were required to vest within a perpetuity period of 150 years, at which point the trust...more
In the recent judgment of AA v JTC (Cayman) Limited (unreported, Cause No, FSD 12 of 2024 (IKJ)), the Honourable Justice Kawaley held that that an enforcer of a Cayman Islands STAR trust has the ability under Section 48 of...more
Despite mounting environmental concerns and political pressure around the use of private jets, the private aviation sector continues to experience strong growth, particularly in the Middle East and Asia. With increasing...more
On 1 February 2024, Kawaley J handed down a judgment in the case of In re G Trust (Cause No. FSD 270 of 2023) in which he commented on some of the key features of Cayman Islands STAR trusts contained in Part VIII of the...more
Acquiring artworks, antiques, and other collectibles is a common pastime of private clients, for reasons that can vary greatly from profit-making to maintaining cultural ties, or simply as a general reflection of their...more
Welcome to the festive edition of the Conyers Private Client & Trust Bulletin, where we update on recent matters of interest from our jurisdictions of Bermuda, BVI and the Cayman Islands. This edition combines the...more
Never content to be left out of the competition for wealth management of ultra-high-net-worth families from Singapore and Dubai, Hong Kong recently enacted a new tax concession regime (Inland Revenue (Amendment) (Tax...more
Many high-net-worth individuals and families use a private trust company (PTC) when looking to structure their family wealth. Given that settlors of trusts are sometimes reluctant to relinquish control over the assets...more
British Virgin Islands (“BVI”) business companies are often used for private wealth structuring purposes. However, where the shares in a BVI business company are registered in the name of an individual rather than a corporate...more
Welcome to the latest edition of our Private Client and Trust bulletin. It is a pleasure to update you on various topics that we hope you will find of interest. As in previous editions we bring you updates from Bermuda...more
The Cayman Islands reformed its trust laws to provide a statutory mechanism by which flawed decisions of trustees and other fiduciaries can be set aside on application to the court. The codification of the Hastings‑Bass rule...more
Offshore Trust and Estate Litigation Update Series – Part II - Following on from Part I of this series which summarised the Cayman Court’s consideration of a trustee’s application for the “blessing” of a “momentous...more
Offshore Trust and Estate Litigation Update Series – Part I - Trust and estate disputes in both the Cayman Islands and the BVI, and claims against the actions of a trustee/executor or disputes related to an interested...more