News & Analysis as of

US State Departments Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

Harris Beach Murtha PLLC

Trump 2.0 Executive Action on Immigration – Reading Between the Lines

On January 20, 2025, President Donald Trump signed a series of executive orders significantly altering U.S. immigration policy. These actions, aimed at strengthening border security and redefining citizenship criteria, have...more

Shipman & Goodwin LLP

Potential Immigration Impacts for U.S. Employers Under a Second Trump Presidency

Shipman & Goodwin LLP on

As we head into another Trump presidency later this month, many U.S. employers are wondering how the new administration’s strong stance on immigration might impact their organization, including its ability to hire and retain...more

Mintz - Immigration Viewpoints

January 2024 update: US Department of State Announces Pilot Program for Stateside H-1B Visa Renewals

On January 18, 2024, the Department of State published an online tool that H-1B visa applicants can use to determine if they are eligible for the stateside visa renewal pilot program. Over time, it is likely that the...more

Wiley Rein LLP

Important NDAA Provisions for Contractors and Their Supply Chains

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On December 14, 2023, the House of Representatives passed the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024 (NDAA), following the Senate’s passage a few days earlier. The President is expected to sign the NDAA into...more

Quarles & Brady LLP

U.S. State Department Confirms Pilot Program for Domestic Renewal of H-1B Visa Stamps

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The State Department announced they will begin processing visa stamp renewals in Washington, D.C. as early as January 2024. This pilot program will only be available for 20,000 individuals in the U.S. in H-1B status who are...more

Jackson Lewis P.C.

What Executive Order on AI Means for Immigration

Jackson Lewis P.C. on

On October 30, 2023, President Joe Biden issued an Executive Order regarding the “Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence.” The Executive Order (EO) directs departments and agencies...more

Fisher Phillips

White House Issues Sweeping AI Executive Order: 10 Things Employers Need to Know

Fisher Phillips on

The executive order on artificial intelligence issued by the White House yesterday is the federal government’s most ambitious attempt to date to corral this burgeoning technology – and contains numerous items of interest for...more

Lippes Mathias LLP

U.S. Immigration Site Visits Challenging for Remote Working L-1 Intracompany Transferees

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U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) site visits are challenging for employers and beneficiaries who work in the U.S. in L-1 Intracompany Transferee status. At these visits, U.S. government officials flash badges...more


Updated Guidance: National Interest Waivers for Advanced STEM Degree Holders

Dentons on

Obtaining a “green card” usually requires the sponsorship of a close U.S. family member or U.S. employer. In the employment context, the default process is a specific employer testing the labor market for a specific job to be...more

Baker Donelson

U.S. Takes Actions to Attract STEM Talent

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On January 21, 2022, the Biden Administration announced that it would take actions to attract STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) talent to the U.S. in furtherance of its efforts to remove barriers to legal...more

UB Greensfelder LLP

The White House Announces Immigration Actions to Attract STEM Talent and Update O-1 “Extraordinary Ability” and National Interest...

UB Greensfelder LLP on

The Departments of State and Homeland Security announced today new immigration actions to expand opportunities for foreign STEM scholars, students, researchers, and experts and the U.S. businesses that seek to employ them, as...more

Miller Canfield

Department of State Temporarily Extends and Expands In-Person Interview Waivers for Certain Non-Immigrant Visa Applicants

Miller Canfield on

The Department of State, in consultation with the Department of Homeland Security, has authorized consular officers to waive the in-person interview requirement for certain non-immigrant visa applicants with approved...more

Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart,...

State Department Authorizes Consular Officers to Waive Interviews for Certain Nonimmigrant Visa Applicants Through 2022

The U.S. secretary of state, in consultation with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), has authorized consular officers to waive in-person interviews for certain nonimmigrant visa applicants through the end of...more

Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP

Presidential Proclamation Officially Rescinds Regional Travel Bans – COVID Vaccination Requirements Replace Bans to Allow for...

On October 25, President Joseph R. Biden issued a Presidential Proclamation officially rescinding all current COVID-19 regional travel bans and instead imposed a COVID-19 vaccine requirement on all nonimmigrants traveling to...more

Womble Bond Dickinson

Government Shutdown Immigration Impacts

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How are immigration benefits impacted if Congress is unable to agree on a spending bill and the U.S. government shuts down? The general rule is that those services that are essential or fee-funded continue without...more

Miller Canfield

International Travel Restrictions Will Be Rescinded In Early November 2021

Miller Canfield on

International travelers subject to the CDC travel restrictions will soon be able to resume travel to the U.S. without applying for an exemption. The current travel restrictions apply to certain travelers from China, Iran, the...more


US, EU Issue Guidance on Expectations for Due Diligence to Address Forced Labor Risks


On July 13, 2021, the US Department of State, US Department of the Treasury, US Department of Commerce, US Department of Homeland Security, Office of the United States Trade Representative, and US Department of Labor issued...more

Harris Beach Murtha PLLC

Insight into the Biden Administration’s Immigration Plan

Harris Beach Murtha PLLC on

President-Elect Joe Biden’s January inauguration is fast approaching, and he has proposed one of the most robust and ambitious immigration plans in recent history. The plan highlights the significant history of immigration in...more

Fisher Phillips

What A Government Shutdown Would Mean For Employers

Fisher Phillips on

If Congress cannot approve a budget by this Friday at midnight, the federal government will shut down. What will this mean for employers across the country? A look back at the most recent government shutdown will provide...more

Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP

Sheppard Mullin Travel Advisory and Immigration Update

The last two weeks in Washington have been very eventful in the immigration field. In light of the travel restrictions recently imposed by the President’s executive order, we are now advising our U.S. clients who have...more

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