News & Analysis as of

Vapor Intrusion Guidance Toxic Exposure

Environmental General Counsel PC

California Draft Vapor Intrusion Guidance Now Final

On February 23, 2023, California EPA (Cal EPA) finally released a “final draft” version of the much-awaited vapor intrusion guidance, Final Draft Supplemental Guidance: Screening and Evaluating Vapor Intrusion (VI Guidance)...more

Environmental General Counsel PC

Getting Tough on Vapor Intrusion: Enforcement for Failure to Mitigate

As concerns have escalated about vapor intrusion, regulatory agencies are not only taking more conservative approaches to risk – they may also be more likely to take enforcement action where there is delay or non-compliance...more

Environmental General Counsel PC

New Vapor Intrusion Requirements in California Increasing Costs and Liabilities

By Catherine W. Johnson In February 2020, California EPA (Cal-EPA) released its Draft Supplemental Vapor Intrusion Guidance (“Draft Guidance”) – designed to promote consistency in the investigation of vapor intrusion among...more

Environmental General Counsel PC

California Vapor Intrusion Guidance Promises More Consistency

In February, the California Department of Toxic Substances Control, or DTSC, the State Water Resources Control Board, or SWRCB, and the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board released a much-anticipated draft...more

Environmental General Counsel PC

Public Comments on California’s New Vapor Draft Intrusion Guidance: What Next?

Public comments on California’s Draft Supplemental Vapor Intrusion Guidance (“DSVIG”) were due to Cal-EPA by June 1, 2020. So far, comments submitted indicate several California businesses and industries are concerned about...more

Environmental General Counsel PC

The Current Status of California’s Vapor Intrusion Guidance

By Laurie Berger (May 28, 2020) In February of this year, three California regulatory agencies released the much-anticipated draft guidance for the investigation of vapor intrusion, “Supplemental Guidance: Screening and...more


CalEPA Draft Vapor Intrusion Guidance Released for Public Comment

Buchalter on

Guidance Increases Uncertainty for Restoring Brownfields - The long-awaited CalEPA guidance for screening and evaluating vapor intrusion has been issued as a draft for public comment. This state-wide guidance, jointly...more

Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

Ecology’s New TCE Guidance: Prompt Action Required for Short-Term Exceedances

On October 1, the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) released new guidance with regards to Trichloroethylene (TCE) vapor intrusion....more

Moore & Van Allen PLLC

The Necessity of Evaluating Vapor Intrusion Risks during Environmental Due Diligence

Moore & Van Allen PLLC on

Introduction - Vapor intrusion has emerged as an important legal, scientific, and policy issue over the last decade. With this issue’s growing importance, it is prudent for persons acquiring, leasing, or developing...more

Dickinson Wright

Vapor Intrusion: Why Property Owners and Purchasers really need to pay attention

Dickinson Wright on

An increasing degree of attention is being paid to instances of vapor intrusion, the process by which volatile chemicals migrate, in vapor form, from soil or groundwater into indoor air spaces of buildings. Even in the era of...more

Troutman Pepper Locke

Six Ways Michigan's Review of Vapor Intrusion Sites Could Impact You

Troutman Pepper Locke on

The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) recently announced that it will be evaluating the vapor intrusion (VI) pathway at 4,000 sites, including as many as 375 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)...more

Farella Braun + Martel LLP

How to Effectively Manage Vapor Intrusion Risks When Acquiring and Developing Property

With increasing concern and attention being raised by regulatory agencies and the public on protecting building occupants from exposure to vapor intrusion (VI)-related contaminants, parties acquiring and developing property...more

Williams Mullen

Williams Mullen Construction Industry Newsletter - Spring 2016

Williams Mullen on

2016 begins with the issuance of this Construction Industry Newsletter, our fifth. In this issue, we have articles on vapor intrusion, liability for project design, enforcement of mechanic’s lien and bond waiver clauses, and...more

Troutman Pepper

When May a Previously Approved Site Closure Not Provide Closure - Reopening Vapor Intrusion Sites

Troutman Pepper on

We can expect the trend seen in Massachusetts and some other states of reevaluating and reopening previously closed sites to address the vapor intrusion pathway to grow. Massachusetts is the latest state to reevaluate...more

Levenfeld Pearlstein, LLC

Illinois Follows Vapor Intrusion Regulation Trend

Most commercial or industrial buyers of contaminated property, and virtually all lenders at contaminated sites, require sellers to either obtain a no-further-remediation letter (NFR) themselves, place money in escrow in an...more

Farella Braun + Martel LLP

EPA Issues Long-Awaited Vapor Intrusion Guidance for Public Comment

More than ten years after issuing draft guidance regarding the increasingly significant subject of vapor intrusion (VI), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has just released for public comment drafts of two...more

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