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Video Games Intellectual Property Protection Today's Popular Updates

Jones Day

CJEU Clarifies Copyright Protection for Software Variables

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The Court of Justice of the European Union ("CJEU") ruled that modifying temporary variables in the working memory of a computer without enabling the reproduction or further execution of such a program does not constitute...more

Venable LLP

Trademarks and Source Identifiers in the Metaverse: Practical Considerations for Brand Owners in a Newly Emerging Virtual...

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​​​​​​​As technology and the physical lives of consumers continue to converge, businesses active in metaverse and blockchain technologies will need to think about how their brands and source identifiers might evolve or change...more

Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati

Video Game NFTs: Top Legal Considerations for Developers

The qualities of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), including digital scarcity, immutable persistence, and transferability on a blockchain, make NFTs an attractive technology to integrate into video games. NFTs have been implemented...more

Foster Garvey PC

Sports & Entertainment Spotlight: The Steady Evolution of Athlete Endorsement and Sponsorship Markets and the Latest Household...

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Some of this week's highlights include: - Emerging trends are showing signs of change in the sponsorships and endorsement markets. A segment once largely overlooked, athletes in the LGBTQ+ community are finally ringing in...more

Foster Garvey PC

Sports & Entertainment Spotlight: What the Supreme Court Ruling in Alston v. NCAA Means for the Future of College Sports

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“The NCAA is not above the law.” Those seven words capped Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s searing concurring opinion issued in connection with Monday’s (June 21) unanimous (9-0) U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Alston v. National...more

The Rodman Law Group, LLC

Understanding the Rise of NFTs

If you have any tangible connection to the crypto space, by now you have definitely heard of NFTs. What’s incredible is that even if you have no connection to the crypto space, there is still a good chance that you’ve heard...more

Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP

Is it Time to Make AR and VR a Part of Your Reality?

To date, there are over 1 billion augmented reality (“AR”) users and 171 million virtual reality (“VR”) users worldwide[1], a number that continues to increase as more industries turn to AR and VR to create immersive user...more

Sunstein LLP

Humvee Goes Into Battle: Will Its Trademarks Leave Tread Marks on Video Game Makers?

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The realism of video games is intensified by the inclusion of products and brands we recognize from daily life. Can the thrill of such verisimilitude coexist alongside the rights of trademark owners?...more

Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP

Blockchain Games and Collectibles – Patents and Other Legal Issues

1. Blockchain Games and Collectibles Are on the Rise – The use of blockchain (or distributed ledger) technology for games (a.k.a blockchain games) and token-based digital collectibles is on the rise. The overnight popularity...more

Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP

Podcast: Virtual and Augmented Reality

In this episode, Dreamscape Immersive chief legal officer Tammy Brandt and Akin Gump corporate partner Courtney York, whose practice includes guiding clients through complex tech transactions, discuss the business and law of...more

Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP

Recent Blockchain Patents of Note

As we have previously reported, the number of blockchain patents being filed and granted is continuing to increase. According to a Thomson Reuters report, 225 out of the 406 blockchain patents (55.4%) filed in 2017 came from...more

Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP

Video Game Network Patent Found to Be Patent Eligible – Not an Abstract Idea

The Federal District Court in Delaware recently denied a motion to dismiss a patent infringement case involving a video game networking technology patent based on the patent allegedly being invalid for lack of...more

Fenwick & West LLP

Intellectual Property Bulletin - Spring 2017

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It’s Dangerous to Go Alone! Take This. Intellectual Property Tips for the Esports Industry - With the annual Game Developers Conference spectacular in our rearview mirror, and the NBA’s partnership with Take-Two to launch...more

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