California Employment News: Document Checklist for Departing Employees (Podcast)
California Employment News: Document Checklist for Departing Employees
#WorkforceWednesday: New Jersey's WARN Act to Become Strictest in Nation - Employment Law This Week®
#WorkforceWednesday: EEOC Targets Abortion Travel, Midterm Results, and SCOTUS Declines COVID-19 WARN Act Case - Employment Law This Week®
WARNing Signs When Building Your Post-Pandemic Workforce
COVID-19 in the Workplace - PPP Update, COVID Plans from the Biden Transition Team, Higher Education Relief Package Provision, COVID WARN Act Developments
#WorkforceWednesday: CDC Permits Shortened Quarantine Periods, CAL/OSHA COVID-19 Regulations, NY Amends WARN Act - Employment Law This Week®
Williams Mullen's COVID-19 Comeback Plan: Conducting Reductions in Force Post COVID-19
#WorkforceWednesday: Providing Answers to Your Global Workforce Questions, Executive Compensation and COVID-19, WARN Act - Employment Law This Week®
Employment Law Now IV-60- WARN Act Considerations With The Coronavirus Pandemic
As Los Angeles (the “City”) grapples with the impacts of the devastating wildfires, employers are facing critical decisions about protecting their workforce while maintaining operations. While Cal/OSHA recently urged...more
As employers struggle to continue their operations under the “new normal” of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are already seeing a number of lawsuits stemming from the pandemic. The following is a summary of the key issues that are...more