News & Analysis as of

Workplace Communication Baby Boomers

Maynard Nexsen

Work This Way: A Labor & Employment Law Podcast - Episode 33: Generations in the Workplace with Caroline Warner of The South...

Maynard Nexsen on

For this two-part series on generational differences in the workforce, Tina and Jennie sit down with Caroline Warner, the Director of Community Development at The South Carolina Power Team. Caroline shares her insights on how...more

Best Best & Krieger LLP

Bridging the Gap: Maximizing the Benefits of Working in an Intergenerational Office

BB&K’s Mrunal Shah on Understanding Generational Strengths and Styles to Work as a More Effective Unit - There’s an old adage widely attributed to George Bernard Shaw that says: “If youth is wasted on the young, then...more

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