News & Analysis as of

Workplace Safety Home Offices

Fisher Phillips

Transformando el Futuro del Trabajo en México: Todo sobre la NOM-037-STPS-2023 y su Impacto en el Home Office

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Descubre cómo la Norma Mexicana sobre el Teletrabajo (NOM-037-STPS-2022) está transformando el futuro del trabajo remoto. Esta regulación esencial establece directrices claras para patrones y trabajadores, garantizando un...more

Fisher Phillips

Embracing Remote Work in Mexico: Understanding the Home Office Standard

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Mexico's Home Office Standard is reshaping the future of remote work. This essential regulation sets clear guidelines for employers and employees, ensuring a safe, equitable, and productive work environment. Learn how it...more

Fisher Phillips

Guía normativa para equipos de RRHH y legales en materia de la Seguridad y Salud en el trabajo

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Según cifras de la Organización Mundial de la Salud se estima que cada año se pierden 12 000 millones de días de trabajo debido a la depresión y la ansiedad, a un costo de US$ 1 billón por año en pérdida de productividad...more

Fisher Phillips

Workplace Stress in Mexico: 7 Considerations and Strategies for Employers

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Workplace stress affects millions globally, and Mexico has one of the highest rates of work-related stress in the world. Given this context, companies doing business in Mexico have become acutely aware of the significant...more

Hogan Lovells

Arbeitsunfall im Homeoffice

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Während das Bundessozialgericht bei Unfällen im Homeoffice das Vorliegen eines Arbeitsunfalls bisher regelmäßig abgelehnt hat, hat es nun mit seiner Entscheidung vom 8. Dezember 2021 (B 2 U 4/21 R) eine...more

K&L Gates LLP

COVID-19: New German COVID-19 Workplace Restrictions: Mandatory Work From Home and Entry Restrictions for Office Access

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Due to rapidly increasing numbers of COVID-19 cases over the past few weeks, an amendment of the German Infection Protection Act (the Act) was passed last week. The amendments will enter into force on 24 November 2021. The...more

Bricker Graydon LLP

Reducing workers’ compensation and OSHA liability during COVID-19 and beyond

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As the world navigates work-from-home opportunities in the post-COVID era, health care companies are considering their options too. This article provides a practical look into workers’ compensation and OSHA considerations so...more

K&L Gates LLP

Arbeitsrecht KOMPAKT: Home Office and Remote Work News

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The pandemic has driven many employees out of the office and regular working from home has become more and more the norm. However, our practical experience shows that the current legal basis, legal requirements and the...more

White & Case LLP

Home Office and Mobile Work: Status quo, Corona-ArbSchV and Outlook (Germany)

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We have now been back in a "hard lockdown" since mid-December 2020. Even when the so-called "lockdown lite" was decided, the German Chancellor and the heads of government of the German states called on companies to (re)enable...more

Orrick - Employment Law and Litigation

Germany: New Right to Work From Home During the Pandemic

On 19 January 2021, the German Chancellor and Federal Prime Ministers passed a new resolution on further measures to combat the Corona pandemic. The Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs implemented this resolution in...more

K&L Gates LLP

COVID-19: New COVID-19 Workplace Regulation for Employers in Germany Brings Home Office and Further Health and Safety Obligations

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Last year, the German Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (the Ministry) introduced specific health and safety regulations in the light of the pandemic. Today, the Ministry issued the new SARS-CoV-2 Occupational...more

Holland & Knight LLP

Mexico's New Home Office Regulations

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Mexico has reformed its Federal Labor Law to recognize teleworking, regulating employers' responsibilities to employees who work from home offices as well as remote workers' obligations to their employers. Key aspects of this...more

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