The closure of Broadway theatres amidst the Corona pandemic came as a gut punch. It was swift, sharp and immediately changed the fate of the forty-one theatres that make New York City the center of the global theatrical...more
Developing a piece of theatre from the ground up, especially an original work, is an expensive exercise. A producer will rarely have the opportunity to review and assess the combined production elements of a work prior to...more
For those of you contemplating investing in commercial theatre, you are bound to hear of the phrase “One for One”, “One for Two” or “One for Three” bandied about in co-producer negotiations. These are deal terms accorded to...more
Financing structures for plays and musicals are unique. While they are in some ways similar to motion picture financing, live theatre has its own set of customs and practices that can be confusing to first time investors. A...more
The Jukebox musical is alive and well and living on Broadway. From the songs of Gloria Estefan to Carole King, from Frankie Valli to Abba, we are amidst a 20-year old trend to present pop music’s biggest hits on the live...more