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Court Reinstates Notice Requirement of NY Reproductive Health Bias Law

After a three-year pause, New York is again requiring employers to provide notice of employees’ rights under the state’s Reproductive Health Bias Law in employee handbooks....more

NLRB Limits Employers’ Ability to Unilaterally Change Workplace Terms

The National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”) recently overturned a 2019 ruling that made it easier for employers to modify terms and conditions of the workplace without bargaining with the union. Going forward, employers need...more

[Webinar] 2024 Labor and Employment Series: End of Year Updates - November 21st, 8:00 am - 10:00 am ET

The Labor and Employment Team at Harris Beach invites you to join us for discussion of critical labor and employment law developments at our annual webinar series....more

Summary of FTC’s Non-Compete Prohibition and Best Practices For The Business World

As reported earlier, the FTC voted this week to approve its Final Non-Compete Clause Rule (the “Rule” or “Final Rule”), which outlaws almost all non-compete agreements between employees and employers throughout the...more

New State Budget Bill Includes Changes to Employment Laws

New York State lawmakers came to a final agreement on a 2024-25 budget bill, which contains several notable changes to New York’s employment laws. There are three notable amendments in the budget that directly impact New York...more

EEOC Issues New Rule on Accommodations for Pregnant Workers

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recently finalized a rule regarding implementation of the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA). The PWFA, which went into effect on June 27, 2023, requires employers...more

NLRB Rules Prohibiting Black Lives Matter Apparel is Labor Law Violation

The National Labor Relations Board recently ruled that Home Depot USA, Inc. violated federal labor law when it prohibited an employee from wearing a work apron containing a handwritten reference to “Black Lives Matter.” This...more

New York Labor Law Amendments Target Captive Audience Meetings

New York Governor Kathy Hochul signed a bill on September 6, 2023, which expands Section 201-d of the New York Labor Law to provide employees with protection from the political and religious ideologies of their employer. The...more

National Labor Relations Board Announces New Standard for Employer Handbooks, Policies and Work Rules

The National Labor Relations Board ruled on August 2, 2023, that employers’ workplace rules — such as those found in employee handbooks — will be evaluated under a more restrictive test that will surely impact how employers...more

NLRB Guidance Declares Non-Competes Unlawful

Non-compete agreements continue to face intense scrutiny from government authorities. On May 30, the General Counsel for the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB” or “Board”) issued a guidance memorandum opining that...more

NLRB Ruling Makes it More Difficult for Employers to Take Action Against Employees for Abusive Conduct

On May 1, 2023, the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB” or the “Board”) issued a decision that makes it more difficult for employers to discipline or discharge employees for their offensive or abusive conduct while engaged...more

New York Department of Labor Releases Finalized Model Sexual Harassment Policy

On April 12, 2023, the New York State Department of Labor (“NYDOL” or “Department”) published a new version of the state’s Model Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy (“Model Policy”). Among other things, the Model Policy...more

The NLRB’s General Counsel Issues Guidance Memorandum on Severance Agreements in Light of McLaren Decision

The National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB” or “Board”) recently made headlines, ruling in the McLaren Macomb case that employers can no longer offer severance agreements with overly broad confidentiality and non-disparagement...more

NLRB Update: Are Confidentiality and Non-Disparagement Clauses Now Completely Prohibited in Severance Agreements?

Most employers have seen recent headlines about the National Labor Relations Board’s stance that employee severance agreements will be deemed unlawful if they contain confidentiality or non-disparagement provisions. This...more

FTC Takes Aim at Banning Non-Compete Clauses

On January 5, 2023, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) released a proposed rule aimed at prohibiting employers from utilizing non-compete clauses in employment agreements. Importantly, the proposed rule seeks to supersede all...more

The NLRB Ends 2022 with Significant Decisions

Two recent late-year decisions from the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”) have the potential to significantly impact private sector employers across all industries. 1. The NLRB Expanded its Authority to Order...more

Crypto Compensation? Bitcoin Bonus? New York State Employers Must Weigh Requests Carefully

If your staff member wants his or her paycheck in cryptocurrency, should you – as an employer keeping up with the times — accommodate the request? You don’t have to work in Silicon Valley or play for the NFL to field this...more

NLRB General Counsel Aims to Drastically Change Employers’ Rights Related to "Captive Audience" and Other Mandatory Meetings About...

For nearly 75 years, employers have held the right to gather employees at work for mandatory meetings to discuss, in a non-coercive manner, the employer’s views concerning unionization. On April 7, 2022, however, National...more

Religious Exemption Issue, State-Issued FAQs Among Developments for Health Care Personnel Vaccine Mandate

The New York State Health Department’s Vaccine Mandate, adopted on August 26, requires personnel at general hospitals and nursing homes to have at least their first COVID-19 vaccination dose by September 27. Personnel at...more

New York State Modifies Recently Enacted HERO Act

New York's recently enacted Health & Essential Rights Act, otherwise called the HERO Act, has been modified. As discussed in our earlier Alert, Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the HERO Act into law in early May. The law...more

New York State Adopts CDC Guidance for Fully Vaccinated Individuals, Offering Employers Option of Easing Pandemic-Related...

With New York state adopting the CDC’s “Interim Public Health Recommendations for Fully Vaccinated People” on May 19, employers now have the option of easing restrictions related to COVID-19. The guidance relaxes...more

New York HERO Act Creates New Workplace Safety Requirements for Employers

On May 5, 2021, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law the “New York Health and Essential Rights” or “HERO” Act, adding new infectious disease prevention requirements for employers. The Act seeks to create enforceable...more

New Regulations and Fact Sheets on NY Paid Sick Leave Law

With New York's new Paid Sick Leave Law set to take hold on January 1, 2020, employers finalizing their leave policies should review additional guidance published by the N.Y. Department of Labor (DOL). Our earlier Legal Alert...more

New Guidance on New York Paid Sick Leave Law

On the evening of Oct. 19, 2020, New York State released long-anticipated guidance on the state's new Paid Sick Leave Law, or "PSL." The new law is not limited to coronavirus-related situations. It is instead a new, permanent...more

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