Consumer Finance Monitor Podcast Episode: Navigating the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Proposed Personal Financial Data Rule
CFPB Advisory Opinion on Time-barred Debt Collection - The Consumer Finance Podcast
Convenience Fees: Why You Need to Pay Attention? - Payments Pros: The Payments Law Podcast
Convenience Fees: Why You Need to Pay Attention? - The Crypto Exchange Podcast
CFPB Advisory Opinion on Name-Only Matching Under FCRA - The Consumer Finance Podcast
FCPA Compliance and Ethics Report-Episode 121-FCPA Year in Review, Part II
Now that the presidential election has concluded and 2024 is drawing to a close, it is worth looking back at one of the most consequential years for the Federal Election Commission (FEC) in recent memory. From expanding...more
The Democratic National Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) filed a complaint against the Federal Election Commission (FEC) last week claiming that the FEC is not enforcing contribution limits for coordinated expenditures...more
Today, the Federal Election Commission (“FEC”) considered three advisory opinion requests that will have a tremendous impact on fundraising efforts, election advertisements, and the use of campaign funds to pay for childcare...more
FEC Advisory Opinion Approves Federal Candidate Request to Add Super PAC to Joint Fundraising Committee - In Advisory Opinion 2024-07, the FEC approved a request made by Team Graham, the principal campaign committee of...more
In Advisory Opinion 2024-07, the FEC approved a request made by Team Graham, the principal campaign committee of Senator Lindsey Graham, to add a Super PAC to an existing joint fundraising committee named Graham Majority...more
At the FEC’s May 1 open meeting, the Commission voted 4-1 to approve a draft advisory opinion requested by Nevadans for Reproductive Freedom (“NFRF”) that authorizes federal candidates and officeholders to solicit unlimited...more
On November 13, 2023, the U.S. Supreme Court published a Code of Conduct that codifies the ethics rules and principles governing the conduct of Justices and their staff. The Code consists of five Judicial Canons that draw...more