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Client Retention CRM

Legal Internet Solutions Inc.

Developing a Strong Online Presence

Let’s face it: at this point, we all know a strong online presence is essential for law firms to attract and engage clients. Potential clients often begin their search for legal services online (yes, really), making it...more

Legal Internet Solutions Inc.

Top 10 Ways to Engage Your Clients Throughout the Journey

Effective Client Engagement Strategies for Law Firms - In today’s competitive legal market, client engagement is not just a buzzword—it’s a necessity. Law firms that prioritize and excel in client engagement are more...more


Law Firm Target Audience: Reaching Your Ideal Client

Good2bSocial on

Does your law firm’s target audience – the people you’re currently reaching – represent the ideal client you want to attract? With so much going on in digital marketing, it’s easy to get caught up in counting the wrong...more

ClientsFirst Consulting

Get Off the Beaten Path: Three Ways Outsourcing Can Help Firms Achieve CRM & Data Quality Success

Normally, the path most traveled is thought to be the better road as it represents the path that leads to achieving goals and success while the less traveled path leads to stressful processes and unknowns. But for firms...more

ClientsFirst Consulting

12 Days of CRM: Day 10 - How Business Development Supports Closing Business at Law Firms

ClientsFirst Consulting on

On the 10th day of CRM Chris “Kringle” Fritsch explained to me, how business development supports closing business for attorneys! To properly develop clients, successful business development is vital to win business. But...more

ClientsFirst Consulting

10 Ways to Elevate Your CRM System for Enhanced Business Growth

ClientsFirst Consulting on

Your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is more than a tool for managing client data. It’s a critical component for driving growth and strategic decision-making. Upgrading your CRM system requires a strategic...more

ClientsFirst Consulting

Six Success Strategies to Encourage Lawyer Engagement with CRM Systems

ClientsFirst Consulting on

In today’s legal landscape, marked by rapid change and high demands on time, the integration and effective use of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems is not just a technological upgrade but a critical pivot towards...more

ClientsFirst Consulting

Six CRM and Data Quality Success Strategies to Make Us Thankful

ClientsFirst Consulting on

As we gather to celebrate Thanksgiving, a time for gratitude and sharing, let’s not forget our CRM system and data quality, which can sometimes be left in a state of disarray amidst the festive preparations. Just like a...more


Law Firm Target Audience: Reaching Your Ideal Client

Good2bSocial on

Does your actual law firm target audience – the people you’re currently reaching – represent the ideal clientele you want to attract? With so much going on in digital marketing, it’s easy to get caught up in counting the...more

Timothy Corcoran - Corcoran Consulting Group

Effective CRM Requires Effective Leadership

A year prior to writing this, I was in Sydney talking to a law firm marketer. He asked if his firm's poor CRM usage was common elsewhere. I assured him it was. Law firm cultures that allow partners to "opt out" of policies,...more

ClientsFirst Consulting

Have a Very Merry Holiday Mailing List

ClientsFirst Consulting on

A happy holiday season starts with a clean mailing list. Whether your firm sends holiday greetings electronically or mails traditional physical cards, so much effort goes into this annual ritual – from decisions around the...more


Ease and Responsiveness are Critical Success Factors in Law Firms

Epiq on

Legal software maker CLIO surveyed thousands of law firm clients in its Legal Technology: Future Horizons survey. One question asked the clients what was most important to them when choosing a law firm. The majority cited...more

ClientsFirst Consulting

The Benefits of CRM Integrations

Even though the entire law firm business model is built around forging long-term relationships and connections, there probably is no other industry with more disconnected systems and data. Legal marketing professionals and...more

ClientsFirst Consulting

Recognizing the Quiet Power of Your CRM Data

Marketing departments today often spend a great deal of their time focusing on things that involve strategies and planning. To support these critical activities, they have built up and aligned key staff and resources....more

ClientsFirst Consulting

Getting to the Heart of eMarketing

Recently, legal marketing professionals from around the globe gathered in New Orleans for the 2018 Legal Marketing Association Annual Conference. One breakout session titled, “Humanity Isn’t a Trend – It’s the Key to Digital...more

ClientsFirst Consulting

The CRM Marathon Cheerleaders

CRM should be a team sport. Trying to go it alone in implementing a CRM is not only painful, it’s impossible. The Marketing team is critical for defining a CRM strategy and assisting in the planning, communication and...more

ClientsFirst Consulting

The CRM Marathon: Plotting Your CRM Course

Before embarking on your CRM marathon, it’s important to plot the best course. To do this, it’s helpful to determine where you are now. Successful CRM implementations begin with a comprehensive assessment of your current...more

ClientsFirst Consulting

The Dollars and Sense of Cleaning Up Your CRM Data

Few people will disagree that good CRM data is essential for effective marketing. Despite that fact, bad data has become endemic in marketing databases everywhere....more

ClientsFirst Consulting

Data Quality Do’s & Don’ts – Part 2: The Missing Pieces of Your CRM Success Puzzle

The holidays are long over and the scramble to send out holiday mailings seems like ancient history. But don’t close the book yet! ...more

ClientsFirst Consulting

Data Quality Do’s and Don’ts – Part 1: Degrading Data Quality

In today’s highly mobile market, up to 30% of a firm’s CRM contact data quality can degrade each year. People get hired, fired, promoted and change jobs; they move and change addresses; they get married and divorced; some...more

ClientsFirst Consulting


Once the outside structure of your CRM is solid, it’s time to think about the infrastructure. How will the information need to flow within the system and externally? What types of connections or integrations will need to be...more

ClientsFirst Consulting

The CRM Framework

Once you have a solid CRM foundation to build upon, it’s time to begin building out the CRM framework for your system. Of course, the building blocks for every CRM are the contacts, including both people and companies....more

ClientsFirst Consulting

The CRM Foundation

Once you have a concrete strategy and have formed a plan, you need to build a solid foundation for long term CRM success. Doing this type of ‘groundwork’ will ensure that your CRM implementation and structure will stand the...more

ClientsFirst Consulting

The CRM Architect

Because building a home - and configuring a new CRM system - are complex projects, for both, it typically makes sense to bring in an expert to help plan the project. Just as it makes sense to hire a skilled architect to...more

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