JONES DAY TALKS®: International Litigation: Confidentiality and Legal Privilege under French Law
JONES DAY TALKS®: Private Antitrust Litigation in France
Compliance Perspectives: The French AFA on their Anti-Corruption Activities and Guidance ("Sapin 2 Law")
JONES DAY PRESENTS®: Trade Secret Enforcement in France
FCPA Compliance Report-Special Airbus Series-Cecilia Fellouse-Guenkel, the French Perspective
Podcast: Digital Taxation—Implications for EU Technology Companies
Everything Compliance-Episode 3
FCPA Compliance Report-Episode 293, Saskia Zandieh on the new French Anti-Corruption law, Sapin II
Our Employment team takes a brief look at the amendment which has been passed and which will reform the system for acquiring paid leave in the event of illness, following the French Supreme Court rulings of September 13,...more
Following a dynamic year coupled with a continually evolving legal landscape, employers may feel that they are left with more questions than answers. Join us for an in-depth webinar that will unpack the most pertinent legal...more
Notre équipe sociale revient brièvement sur trois arrêts relatifs à l’appréciation des concessions réciproques lorsque la transaction est conclue avec un salarié, à la prise en charge par l’employeur des frais de transport...more
Our Employment team takes a brief look at three decisions relating to the assessment of reciprocal concessions when a settlement is reached with an employee, the payment by the employer of home-to-work travel expenses in the...more
Notre équipe sociale revient sur les arrêts de la Cour de cassation du 13 septembre 2023, aux termes desquels la Cour de cassation octroie de nouveaux droits à congés payés aux salariés, en application du droit européen....more
Our Employment team looks back at the French Supreme Court rulings of 13 September 2023, in which the French Supreme Court granted new paid holiday entitlements to employees, in application of Europe....more
On March 9, 2023, France adopted a much-anticipated statute transposing into French law the EU Directive on Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions (2019/1152) (I.), and the EU Directive on Work-life Balance for...more
Our Employment team briefly reviews three recent rulings relating to the application of the criteria for ordering economic layoffs, the conformity of scanned handwritten signatures, and the qualification of effective working...more
Notre équipe sociale revient brièvement sur trois arrêts récents relatifs à l'application des critères d'ordre des licenciements, à la conformité de la signature manuscrite scannée, et à la qualification de temps de travail...more
March 1, 2023 will mark the third year of the general obligation to publish the gender pay equality index in France. As of this date, all companies that have not reached the objective of 75 points out of 100 at the gender pay...more
The French "Labor Market" Act of December 21, 2022, which provides for emergency measures relating to the functioning of the labor market with the goal of reaching full employment, recently came into force....more
A recent decision issued in France indicates that whether a gig worker is an independent contractor or employee is a fact-specific inquiry. In this case decided last month, delivery platform Stuart, a subsidiary of the group...more
Cette newsletter présente quatre décisions de jurisprudence rendues au cours des derniers mois : Un compte-rendu d’entretien annuel peut valoir sanction disciplinaire (Cass. soc., 2-2-2022, n° 20-13.833)...more
This newsletter summarises five significant judicial decisions over recent months: A report of an annual performance evaluation can constitute a disciplinary sanction (Cass. soc., 2-2-2022, n° 20-13.833)....more
News from our Employment Law team on: several rulings of the Court of Cassation specifying (i) the possible sequencing of a reorganization project involving the implementation of a PSE (ii) the conciliation between a PSE and...more
Actualités de notre équipe en Droit Social sur : plusieurs arrêts de la Cour de cassation précisant (i) le séquencement possible d’un projet de réorganisation impliquant la mise en œuvre d’un PSE (ii) la conciliation entre...more
France’s decree no. 2021-265 of March 10, 2021, has modified the publication modalities of the gender equality index and has imposed specific obligations on French companies benefiting from the stimulus plan introduced by the...more
Class actions were introduced into French law in 2014 via the so-called Hamon Law, though the scope was limited to consumer law issues. In November 2016, the law was expanded to include discriminatory practices in the...more
Developing a business recovery strategy - Prompted by the French government's support measures, companies are favoring a partial resumption of business activities. Employers will have to consider, however, the extent to...more
1. Organiser le maintien de l’activité pendant la période estivale et jusqu’à la fin de l’année Sans préjudice du droit pour les salariés de prendre des congés payés sur cette période et selon les besoins de l’entreprise,...more
Le 17 mars 2020, les contacts et déplacements ont été réduits au strict minimum sur l’ensemble du territoire, stoppant brutalement l’économie. Dans ces circonstances exceptionnelles, le dispositif d’activité partielle...more
Partial Reduction of Activity (“Activité partielle”) - All companies whose activity is reduced due to the COVID-19 and in particular, those that are subject to an obligation to close down in application of the Decree of 14...more
The COVID-19 crisis has led to much uncertainty regarding continuing pay for employees who are unable to work from home, as well as overall job security, in the face of employers’ financial uncertainty....more
The French government recently published a Q&A document in response to concerns about the 2019 Novel Coronavirus, detailing the steps that companies must take if an employee is infected or returns from a risk area and is...more
To ensure the protection of the safety and health of employees, the French Supreme Court reiterated the need to include provisions in collective bargaining agreements guaranteeing the reasonableness of the scope and workload...more