Understanding the New DEI Executive Order: What's the Tea in L&E?
Unveiling the Impact: How Georgia's Open Records Act Affects Private Businesses — Regulatory Oversight Podcast
Torres Talks Trade Podcast- Episode 2- Cybersecurity, the Department of Defense, and the Private Sector/Government Contracting
The State of Cyber: Breaking Down Recent Rules and Regulations
Ransomware, Geopolitical Tensions, and the Race to Regulate
ASC 842: Private Companies On The Clock After Delay
#WorkforceWednesday: Biden’s Employer Vaccine Mandate, NY HERO Act Safety Plans, Cannabis Cases - Employment Law This Week®
Anti-Corruption Compliance and Enforcement Trends in the US and Globally
Industry Implications of EO on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity
DHS and Cyber: What Should Companies Expect?
Compliance Perspectives: Supply Chains, Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery
Compliance Perspectives: The FBI on Why and How to Work with the Office of the Private Sector
[WEBINAR] Creating an Accessible City
Straight Talks: Autonomous regulations around the world
President Trump issued two anti-DEI executive orders at the start of his second term that shook up the workplace and left federal contractors and private employers wondering how to comply. Employers grappled with...more
Shortly after aggressively terminating Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (“DEI”) policies that applied to the federal workforce, the Trump Administration turned its attention outward to the private sector. President Trump’s...more
President Trump just issued a far-reaching executive order targeting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives in not only the federal government but also the private sector. The order directs federal agencies to...more
In our complimentary four-part webinar series, Shipman's labor and employment attorneys will guide private-sector employers through some of the most pressing legal challenges in the modern workplace. From neurodiversity and...more
In our complimentary four-part webinar series, Shipman's labor and employment attorneys will guide private-sector employers through some of the most pressing legal challenges in the modern workplace. From neurodiversity...more
It has been a particularly busy year on the labor and employment law front. To learn more about the major challenges employers face and developments your organization needs to address before year's end, we encourage you to...more
Further Hiring Requirements for Private Employers - A. Overview of Senate Bill 1718 (“SB1718”) - Earlier this year, the State of Florida enacted a law that continues to have significant implications for employers across...more
This webinar will examine what the Supreme Court held in its ruling on universities’ affirmative action plans, the controversy surrounding how the Supreme Court’s ruling affects employer’s diversity, equity and inclusion...more
There is increasing focus on public accountability for visible progress made towards organizational diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) commitments for both private employers and government agencies....more
Michigan lawmakers have just approved bills that will repeal Michigan’s 2012 right-to-work law for private sector workers, ushering in a new day for labor relations in the state. When the two bills are reconciled and final...more
The 2022 Regular Session of the Connecticut General Assembly produced several laws governing the private employment sector. This article summarizes the major points of those laws....more
On May 20, 2022, in McVey v AtlantiCare Medical System, the New Jersey Appellate Division Panel affirmed the dismissal of an employee’s case holding that her termination was not in violation of the protections afforded to...more
As the cannabis industry has rapidly progressed over the years, states such as New York, New Jersey and Illinois have begun to implement legislation that encourages employers to engage in labor peace agreements with unions....more
On April 9, 2019, the New York City Council overwhelmingly passed a bill that would prohibit most pre-employment screening for marijuana by public and private employers. The bill is supported by Mayor Bill de Blasio and would...more
El Ministerio del Trabajo presentó la plataforma de registro de trabajadores extranjeros en Colombia denominada Registro Único de Trabajadores Extranjeros en Colombia (RUTEC), el cual permitirá el registro automático vía web...more
In this episode, Erinn Rigney discusses a recent Seventh Circuit court decision that opens the door for job applicants to assert claims of disparate impact under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)....more
Since 1990, the U.S. Supreme Court has expressly construed a neutral law of general applicability as consistent with the free exercise clause. Deeming Colorado's public accommodations law just such a law, the Colorado Court...more
On May 29, Roseanne Barr posted a tweet comparing former Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett to an ape. ABC’s reaction was swift and decisive: it fired Barr and cancelled her show. ABC’s decision led to pontification from...more
Seyfarth Synopsis: Michigan Governor Rick Snyder recently signed a bill that will prohibit counties and cities from enacting “ban-the-box” ordinances or other restrictions on the ability of private employers to inquire about...more
Every lawyer learns in their first year of law school’s Constitutional Law class that the First Amendment does not shield people from the consequences of their statements. Free speech guarantees only prohibit the government...more
John Pueschel, partner in the Winston-Salem office of Womble Bond Dickinson, examines the limits on employee free speech and use of social media against the background of recent events at Google and in Charlottesville....more
Assembly Bill 1008 broadens the current “ban the box” law beyond public employers to apply to private employers....more
...On July 25, 2017, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced it was awarding nearly $2.5 million to a government employee who tipped off the SEC to a company’s wrongdoing. Although the SEC does not...more
If you’re a private sector employer, you can generally fire an at-will employee for his or her political beliefs or expression. The First Amendment, as we discussed last week, does not limit you. Depending on where you are,...more