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Transportation Industry Commercial Contracts Contract Terms


Logistics on the Offensive: Using Contractual and Common Law Rights as a Sword

Benesch on

We are now in the era of freedom of contract in the logistics arena. While contracts provide many protections to contracting parties, they can also be used offensively, to affirmatively protect legal rights. ...more

Holland & Knight LLP

Consejo de Estado unifica jurisprudencia sobre arbitrabilidad de actos administrativos

Holland & Knight LLP on

La Sección Tercera del Consejo de Estado de Colombia resolvió recientemente el recurso extraordinario de anulación en contra del laudo del 11 de julio de 2022, proferido por el tribunal arbitral constituido para resolver las...more

Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP

Coronavirus/COVID-19: Implications for Commercial and Financial Contracts

The outbreak of coronavirus (also known as COVID-19) is reportedly impacting global manufacturing, transportation and cross-border supply chains underpinning many aspects of international trade and commerce. Some companies...more

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