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Client Communication Relationship Development

Legal Internet Solutions Inc.

The Art of Personalizing the Client Experience

Let’s face it: in today’s market, being an excellent lawyer isn’t enough. Your clients aren’t just seeking legal acumen – they’re craving an experience that makes them feel understood, valued, and supported throughout their...more

International Lawyers Network

The Good and the Ugly: Lessons in Putting Clients First

In the grind of the day-to-day, it can sometimes be easy to forget who is at the center of everything we do – our clients. I’d like to offer you two contrasting stories that serve as a reminder of putting clients first (which...more

TransPerfect Legal

Building Better Partnerships: In-House Counsel Insights on Outside Counsel Relationships

TransPerfect Legal on

TransPerfect Legal's Antitrust Practice Group hosted its fifth annual Antitrust Clearance and Merger Enforcement Conference in 2024. The panel featured key insights from Katherine Reilly, Senior Lead Counsel at Vistra Corp.;...more

International Lawyers Network

Relationship Marketing for Lawyers: Strategies for Meaningful Connections

In today’s rapidly evolving legal landscape, relationship marketing remains a cornerstone for business development. However, the strategies that worked in the past need to be updated to resonate with the expectations of...more

Copo Strategies + Law Firm Editorial Service

The benefits of using thought leadership as “after hours” client advocacy

Advocating for your clients through your thought leadership is a savvy way to bring about change your clients want to see, while solidifying you in the eyes of those clients as the go-to attorney for their legal or business...more

International Lawyers Network

Mastering Business Communication: Strategies for Success

Refining your communication skills is a constant journey, whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting. Here are four actionable steps to elevate your business communication game: 1. Evaluate Your Communication Channels....more

International Lawyers Network

Dishwashers, Luggage Cake & Client Retention

I’m on hold, listening to what I’m sure this company assured itself was jazzy music, while I try not to grind my teeth together. It has been four weeks since the dishwasher repairman was here to assure me that it would only...more


Law Firm Sales: Reach Out With Gratitude

LawVision on

Receiving acknowledgement for a job well done, or for helping another business colleague or contact, or for ongoing work received from a client, is rewarding for the recipient. The inherent message is “you matter.”...more

International Lawyers Network

Client Centricity in Practice – Part One

We recently held the ILN’s Annual Conference in Rio de Janeiro, and as part of the business sessions, our host firm, KLA Advogados, invited one of their clients to speak about “Client Centricity in Practice.” It was an...more


Closing Business:  Four Stages of a Business Relationship

LawVision on

A number of scholars have studied relationship development and the science/psychology around building relationships. Whether the perspective is from a psychology viewpoint using tools like Myers Briggs and others or from a...more


Create Value to Develop Business

LawVision on

Think about a time that you’ve reached out to a prospective client and received no response. There are many reasons voicemails and emails go unreturned. It could be that something personal is going on with the recipient and...more

Legal Internet Solutions Inc.

LISI's All the Things Podcast | One More Thing with Matt Parfitt, President @ Cirrom

On this week's episode of One More Thing, Robyn Addis, LISI's COO+CMBDO, talks with Matt Parfitt, president at Cirrom and immediate past president of the Legal Marketing Association, Northeast Chapter. Matt and Robyn dig...more


Paula Zirinsky of Structura Strategy Group on clients, romance, and where law firms can up their engagement game - Passle's CMO...

Passle on

Legal marketing is different from any other industry, there are unique challenges and constraints that you don't find anywhere else. With that being said, there are a lot of lessons law firms can learn from outside of legal....more

Jaburg Wilk

Do You Have a Good Pitch?

Jaburg Wilk on

We all have a pitch to make and the need to do so comes up all of the time. Many times, you are making a pitch unconsciously because it can be second nature for some. Think about how good your pitch could be if you actually...more

Jaburg Wilk

Listen Fully and Then Question Respectfully

Jaburg Wilk on

We live in a world of entrenched people and positions. Right now, you may be thinking of politics and similar high-level issues, but I am not. I’m considering this on a day-to-day level in relation to your work and personal...more

Nancy Myrland - Myrland Marketing & Social...

In Remote Times Like These, How Can You Really Connect With Your Clients?

These times can be challenging for client and business development. We’re in-person, then we’re not. We’re scheduling events, then we’re canceling them. We’re working remotely, but only sometimes....more

International Lawyers Network

How Zoom Fatigue May Be Blocking Your Relationship Development Efforts (And How to Fix It)

“I just can’t do one more online meeting” “You can’t get business that way.” “My clients need me more.” Have you ever said, or thought, any of these things about a virtual event or while involved in a conference...more

International Lawyers Network

What are you Building if you Don’t Show up?

If you have zoom fatigue, raise your hand. My guess is that everyone has their hand raised. I know I do. Everyone is fed up with taking meetings on their screens, and so when something is voluntary, you’re going to opt out...more

International Lawyers Network

3 Ways to Use Content to Create Relationships with Your Referral Network

As a lawyer, in addition to the network of clients and potential clients that you’ve built, you’ve also built a network of referral sources. This may be formal or informal (or more likely, both). One of the most overlooked...more

International Lawyers Network

7 of My Favorite Networking Tips - Yes, Even in a Pandemic

I’ll tell you a secret – the pandemic may not be over, but you can still be networking. Even when networking is primarily done in a virtual way, the substance of it has not changed; only the platform. So what does that...more

Moritt Hock & Hamroff LLP

Active Listening for Lawyers

For our purposes, active listening for lawyers involves more than simply being able to accurately report back what another person in a conversation has said, although it certainly includes that. Active listening also involves...more

International Lawyers Network

Lawyers: Think Outside the Box to Connect with Your Network

It’ 2020. Many of us had grand plans for the way that our business development and relationship building was going to go this year. We were going to spend the year connecting, deepening our engagement, forging new contacts! ...more

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